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Not all earth’s gold and silver Can make a sinner whole;

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Presentation on theme: "Not all earth’s gold and silver Can make a sinner whole;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Not all earth’s gold and silver Can make a sinner whole;
What Shall It Profit? Not all earth’s gold and silver Can make a sinner whole; What shall it profit thee, O man, If thou should’st lose thy soul? What shall it profit a man, If He gain the whole world, And lose his own soul? 1-3 Words by Johnson Oatman / Music by J. B. Herbert

2 The heaping up of riches To many seems life’s goal;
What Shall It Profit? The heaping up of riches To many seems life’s goal; But in the eager rush for wealth, Forgotten is the soul. What shall it profit a man, If He gain the whole world, And lose his own soul? 2-3

3 This solemn question answer; Is worldly gain thy goal?
What Shall It Profit? This solemn question answer; Is worldly gain thy goal? Can fleeting riches be compared To an immortal soul? What shall it profit a man, If He gain the whole world, And lose his own soul? 3-3

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