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Body Biographies The Crucible.

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Presentation on theme: "Body Biographies The Crucible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Body Biographies The Crucible

2 Objectives To demonstrate a deep understanding of The Crucible’s themes, characters, conflicts and resolutions by citing evidence from the text to support assertions. How do the characters change or not change? Why are these changes important? What are the most important lessons from The Crucible and how do they relate to our lives?

3 Body Bios - Steps Sign up for character.
major character different character for each group (no more than 4 people in a group) Brainstorm a list of important characteristics. Deep and Broad How does the character change (or does he/she)? Static or dynamic? Why is each characteristic important to the meaning/themes of the play? Find a specific quote from the play that illustrates each characteristic. Think of a visual way to represent each characteristic. Create the “body biography,” incorporating the characteristics and quotes in symbolic manner. Present

4 Body Bios - Rubric Thorough and accurate representations
Focus on abstract characteristics (not only literal or physical descriptions) Use of quotes or specific support from text Creativity Neat/Attractive Presentation Group Participation

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