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Verbal Communication Interviewing.

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1 Verbal Communication Interviewing

2 Categories of Verbal Communication
Situation Negotiating Starting a new job and discussing what pay scale you should start at. Persuading You are due to take the car to Cardiff for a business meeting but you convince someone else to drive. Debating Considering two perspectives on a topic e.g. going to war/politics Delegating You are the manager of a group and you have been task to follow through, but you pass it on to a member of your team. Challenging In a confrontational situation you push someone to comment on a topic that they are unhappy to discuss. Advising Offer some guidance to someone to overcome a problem. Arguing A heated discussion over a topic e.g. politics Apologizing Accepting that your action was wrong and informing the other party of that

3 Advantages of Verbal Communications
Can be directed to a specific and correct audience You get an instant response or action You can control a situation and provide feedback Can address a single or multiple audience Very expressive method of communication Is inexpensive or free

4 Disadvantages of Verbal Communications
Can speak before you think – say inappropriate things Lack of control over emotions – anger is easier to express verbally as opposed to in a written format Thoughtless words can lead to further disputes on new topics. Difficult to keep a record of verbal communication. No proof of what has been said.

5 Interviews Telephone Interviews- first stage in a selection process.
One-to-one interviews – can be done for selection purposes, to extract information etc. Group work – this can often be used as part of the selection process.

6 Important things to remember when being involved in an interview
Body Language – don’t slouch or appear un-interested. Be alert and attentive – look enthusiastic and motivated. Maintain eye contact. Listen – do not interrupt constantly. When listening acknowledge what is being said by smiling or nodding occasionally Questions – ask sensible/planned question Make sure you are dressed appropriately – first impressions count Plan - plan in advance what you wish to say or ask Research – if being interviewed, find out about the company. If interviewing – make sure your questions will gather the information you require.

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