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Confidentiality of plot coordinates - Alternatives?

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1 Confidentiality of plot coordinates - Alternatives?
Sue Willits Forest Inventory and Analysis Program August 1, 2002 National FIA Users Group Meeting

2 We still need to discuss the “HOWS” of masking data and
What it means to you the Users………. Forest Inventory and Analysis

3 Alternatives for Masking Ownership
Step 1: Review every county for each ownership category to determine if there are a minimum of 3 owners in each category (industry vs. other). If not, then we combine counties or collapse owner categories

4 Alternatives for Masking Ownership
Step 2: Option 1: Fuzz coordinates so that 3 or more owners are in the general area. (could be moved to county center). Pro: Individual plot attributes are maintained Con: Spatial detail will be variable Must be automated Could create inconsistency between counties if large fuzz was used instead of county center.

5 Alternatives for Masking Ownership
Step 2: Option 2: Create strata within a county by Forest Type and Stand size. Provide average data for all plots within the strata. Provide fuzzed coordinates with the averaged data. Pro: Creates a simple spatially explicit database Consistent for county level reporting Con: Pre-defined Strata of interest No individual plot data May mask spatial data for non-tree variables Assumes uniform plot weights for area expansion Plots are not necessarily contiguous

6 Alternatives for Masking Ownership
Step 2: Option 3: Swap 25% of the plots with similar plots (forest type and stand size) across all owners within the county. Try to find plots in close proximity. Pro: Would not require checking for rule of 3 Automation could happen fairly quickly Would provide consistency Con: Data may be too similar to truly provide masking

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