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Management styles.

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1 Management styles

2 Match the words with their meanings.
Mediator Instigator Dictator Facilitator Mentor An experienced person who advises and helps sbd. with less experience A person who causes something to happen A person who behaves as if they have complete power over other people and tells them what to do A person who tries to get agreement between people who disagree A person who helps sbd. do sth. more easily, by discussing problems, giving advice

3 Controlled by one leader who has total power, and who does not allow anyone else to make decisions. (AUTOCRATIC) Directly involved in making decisions about the way in which things should be done. (HANDS ON) The idea that people should be free to choose how to do things, without too much control from someone in authority. (LAISSEZ FAIRE) Giving someone official or legal authority, or the freedom or confidence to do something. (DELEGATING) Involving two or more people or organizations working together for a particular purpose. (COLLABORATIVE)

4 Organisation, organiser
Adjective Opposite adjective Noun Considerate Inconsiderate Consideration Creative Uncreative Creativity Decisive Indecisive Decisiveness Diplomatic Undiplomatic Diplomacy, diplomat Efficient Inefficient Efficiency Flexible Inflexible Flexibility Inspiring Uninspiring Inspiration Interested Dis/un- interested* Interest Logical Illogical Logic Organized Dis/un-organized* Organisation, organiser Rational Irrational Rationality Responsible Irresponsible Responsibility Sociable Unsociable Sociability Supportive Unsupportive Support, supporter Disorganized - not properly planned and controlled : (of a person) unable to plan one's activities efficiently. Unorganized - not organized. Disinterested – able to judge a situation fairly because you will not gain any advantage from it. Uninterested - not interested.

5 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the words in brackets.
He told me it was my own fault, which wasn't very (SUPPORT) Unfortunately, he is widely thought to be an (DECISION) leader. (DIPLOMATIC) has so far failed to bring an end to the fighting. This type of computer is too slow and (FLEXIBLE) to meet many business needs. What is so impressive about their society is the (EFFICIENT) of the public services. After some (CONSIDER), we've decided to sell the house. The company says it cannot cut its prices any more because it has a (RESPONSIBLE) to its shareholders. It is an (LOGIC) statement, because if one part is true, then the other must be false.

6 Key Supportive Indecisive Diplomacy Inflexible Efficiency
Consideration Responsibility Illogical

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