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Building Our U. S. Constitution

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1 Building Our U. S. Constitution
Birth of our enduring Nation SS8H4 The student will describe the impact of events that led to the ratification of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


3 What were the Articles of Confederation?
Revolutionary War: Declaration of Independence: 1776 Articles of Confederation: Confederation (partnership) of independent equal states was formed for our new country Because of the experience of the American Revolution, Americans were frightened by a strong central government and showed more loyalty to their states The new government consisted of only a unicameral legislative body (no executive or judicial)

4 Strengths and Weaknesses of the AOC (Let’s call it “Constitution 1.0”)
Purposefully designed as a weak central government (decentralized government was seen as an advantage in light of the past monarchs) Uni-cameral legislature (one group) with one vote per state (acted more like a committee which seemed fair!) No executive or judicial branches Could declare war Could print / coin money Establish Post Offices Send Ambassadors Each state could have its own currency One vote per state regardless of size All 13 states had to approve a law No power to enforce laws or settle disputes (court system) Had no money and could not levy taxes No power to regulate trade between states or with foreign nations Could not solve economic difficulties after the war No common military: could not protect citizens from Natives and European threats

5 Why did the AOC fail? (cause and effect)
Weakness / Causes Results / Effects Each state could have its own currency One state per vote regardless of size All 13 states had to approve a law No power to enforce laws or settle disputes (court system) Had no money and could not levy taxes No power to regulate trade between states or with foreign nations Could not solve economic difficulties after the war No common military: could not protect citizens from Natives and European threats Talk with partner about assigned weakness and brainstorm the potential results on our new Nation! What had to change? What had to be created or “engineered” or “invented” to improve on this first attempt at self government?

6 Shays’ Rebellion How could a country exist if it could not keep law and order?
1786- America was in financial trouble: businesses failed, people in debt, trade problems, war debt and soldiers salaries not paid Massachusetts farmers blamed state taxes on their financial problems Daniel Shays led a revolt against the state government, trying to capture arms at the state militia arsenal Neither the state nor the Confederation government had the power to stop the rebellion Shay’s Rebellion (6:30):Shay's Rebellion Shay’s Rebellion (3:21): schmoop on Shay's Rebellion

7 Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787 May - October 1787
Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787 May - October delegates from only 12 states Georgia sent 4 delegates (Pierce, Few, Baldwin, Houston) but only William Few and Abraham Baldwin would sign the final document. Georgia needed protection from Natives and support to EXPAND Six compromises were needed to form the Constitution for a stronger national government: Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Federalism Representation Guarantees to the States Amending the Constitution

8 Separation of Power To prevent a national government from becoming a dictatorship, the framers of the Constitution laid out a plan for shared powers. The National government would be divided into three branches, all based on the voters. Both the leaders of the Legislative Branch and the Executive Branch would be voted on by the people, and the leaders of the Judicial Branch would be selected by the Executive & Legislative Branch.

9 Checks and Balances Executive Branch Confirm appointments
To further balance the power, each of the three branches could check the powers of the others Executive Branch Confirm appointments Impeach, override veto Determines if laws Are constitutional Appoints vacancies Power to veto Impeach, propose amendments Legislative Branch Judicial Branch Interpret laws, determine if they are constitutional

10 Federalism On the issue of a strong national government with strong state powers, the compromise consisted of distributing powers: National government is in charge of national matters ex. foreign policy; money In matters of both national & state government concern, they share power ex. highways; taxes In some matters, states are free to govern without national interference; local governments are arms of the state ex. education programs; traffic violations

11 Representation in Congress “The Great Compromise”
Congress created 2 houses- the House of Representatives with numbers based on population and the Senate with 2 representatives from each state Large states (ex. Virginia) wanted representation based on population Small states (ex. Delaware) wanted equal representation Heavy Slave states wanted to count slaves into population totals, but not taxable 3/5 of the slave population would be counted for population and taxes; Congress could not regulate the slave trade for 20 years (1808) Non Slave states did not want to count slaves into population totals; wanted Congress to regulate slave trade *Abraham Baldwin-GA-forced the compromise

12 Guarantees to the States
How would the Constitution protect the states and guide their relationships? There was fear that states would lose rights, autonomy, local control The National government will protect the states from foreign invasion or domestic violence Moving from state to state will not deny a citizen his rights There will be an orderly process for a territory to become a state, with equal rights and powers as other states (no colonies) Every state is guaranteed a republican form of government, but lets the people of each state shape that government

13 Compromise was also needed to ratify the Constitution
Fearing danger to individual liberties in the new constitution, a promise was made to add the Bill of Rights! AUTHOR: James Madison Freedom of religion, expression, press, & assembly Right to bear arms No quartering of soldiers No unreasonable searches or seizures Right to due process of law (rights of persons accused of a crime) Right to a fair trial Right to a trial by jury Fair bail and punishments Rights to be retained by the people Powers reserved to the states and people (powers not listed by the constitution are reserved to the people or the state.) Why wasn't the Bill of Rights in the Constitution? TED-Ed (4:33) 3 Minute Guide to the Bill of Rights TED-Ed (3:35)

14 Amending the Constitution
How easy would it be to change this document on which the government was built? Did not want it so easy as to be altered by changing, temporary emotions But must be flexible to grow with a changing nation 2/3 of both houses of Congress or 2/3 of state legislatures are needed to propose an amendment or call a convention to propose one 3/4 of the states would have to approve the proposed amendment for it to pass. In 200 years this has happened only 27 times.

15 GA state Constitution of 1777
Revolutionary War is raging GA Counties replaced the GA Parishes Unicameral legislature, with extensive (complete!) powers including the power to appoint the governor (1 year term) and justices to the courts Governor’s proposals subject to approval by the legislature (executive council) Allowed for revisions when called by a majority of the people or counties

16 The war is over, people are looking to return home and start planting for the next harvest. Can their new government protect them?

17 GA Constitution Changes to be more like the US Constitution after the Constitutional Convention of 1787 The Revolutionary War hurt the GA economy and divided its citizens The state had committed to give land grants to the war veterans for their service Legislature now called the General Assembly, which became bicameral and members were elected by popular vote Separated the power into three branches just like the federal constitution

18 And so through compromise, our Enduring National & Georgia Constitution were formed

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