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Vocab 2 Definitions.

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1 Vocab 2 Definitions

2 Laconic -Adj. - Using few words in speech or writing
- Felicity was usually pretty talkative but after she found out about her semester grade, she was laconic and only gave one word responses.

3 Throng - Noun - A large group of people
- There was a throng in every street after the Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup.

4 Intrepid - Adj. - Being fearless, dauntless, brave
- Ernest Shackleton and his crew were seen as an intrepid group while exploring the Antarctic in the early 1900s.

5 Accost - Verb - To approach and speak to one aggressively and in unwanted way; to confront boldly - The man accosted the elderly woman on the bus when she supposedly took his seat.

6 Reticent - Adj. - Not willing to tell people about things or forced not to say anything - She was reticent about her own business and was vague whenever asked, however she was eager to pry into mine.

7 Furtive - Adj. - Doing something in a quiet and secret way without being noticed; done by stealth; being sneaky - He cast a furtive glance in our direction, but we spotted him and he turned red from embarrassment.

8 Felon - Noun - A criminal who has committed a serious crime
- To tell him that his sister was a felon would destroy him, but he would die if he stayed with her any longer.

9 Plethora - Noun - An overabundance or excess of something
- We were begging for people to take food home because there was a plethora of burgers from the Labor Day barbeque.

10 Hapless - Adj. - Having no luck; very unfortunate
- The hapless runner tripped over his own laces during the Olympic final.

11 Irate - Adj. - Being extremely angry; enraged
- Susan was about to cry as the irate customer continued to yell at her.

12 Bigot Noun A person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, religion, etc. Someone who thinks all men are better than all women is considered a bigot.

13 Erratic Adj. Being inconsistent or irregular; acting, moving, or behaving in strange ways Because his attendance to practice was erratic, he was in danger of being cut from the team.

14 Asset Noun A person or thing of great value
The IT intern quickly proved that she was an asset to the company.

15 Adverse Adj. Moving or working against a person, goal, or circumstance
The adverse criticism in the media really destroyed the musician's promising career.

16 Extortion Noun The crime of getting money by threats or use of force
The CEO was convicted of extortion and was told to give all of the money back to his employees.

17 Pretext Noun An excuse or a cover up for the truth; an excuse
A reporter called the business on the pretext of asking for customer service in order to get info on a potential scandal.

18 Fabricate - Verb - To invent or concoct for a deceitful intent
- The lawyers fabricated evidence in order to throw the innocent man in jail.

19 Adroit - Adj. - Being clever or skillful with one’s hands
- Dillon was adroit at playing piano and was asked to play at Carnegie Hall when he was 13.

20 Gesticulate - Verb - To use dramatic gestures to emphasize one’s words
- People were shouting and gesticulating frantically at drivers to slow down because the bridge was out.

21 Vigilant - Adj. - Staying watchful and alert to danger or trouble
- The vigilant neighbors spotted the thieves and their stolen goods.

22 Avid - Adj. - Having a keen interest in or enthusiasm for something
- Kevin’s friends knew he was an avid sports fan, but his constant talk about baseball was becoming too much.

23 Cajole - Verb - To use flattery, pleading, or insincere talk to get a favor or something - Jaimie cajoled her friend into making her favorite dinner by complementing how great of a cook she was and how great the food was.

24 Rudimentary - Adj. - Involving or limited to basic principles; undeveloped; basic skills - Everyone has to understand the rudimentary skills of reading and writing in elementary school before getting into middle school.

25 Enhance - Verb - To intensify, increase, or improve the quality or value of something - Ariel was excited to use her new makeup which guarantees to enhance her eye color.

26 Nuance - Noun - A subtle difference in meaning, tone, expression, or color - The eminent artist was able to see the nuance between light lime green and lime green.

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