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Decision: Action based on condition

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1 Decision: Action based on condition
IF Function Decision: Action based on condition

2 Examples SF State Tuition calculation: PG&E electric charges:
Simple condition PG&E electric charges: More than one condition

3 Examples Simple condition: More than one condition: Complex condition:
If total sales exceeds $300 then applies 5% discount; otherwise, no discount. More than one condition: Taxable Income < = no tax 3000 < taxable income <= % tax Taxable income > % tax Complex condition: If an applicant’s GPA > 3.0 and SAT > 1200: admitted

4 Comparison Less than: < Less than or equal: <=
Greater than: > Greater than or equal: >= Equal: = Not equal: <> At least: >= At most: <= No more than: <= No less than: >= A comparison returns True/False.

5 IF Function =IF(condition, ValueIfTrue,ValueIfFalse) Example:
Tuition: If total units <= 12, then tuition = 1200 Otherwise, tuition = per additional unit In Cell C2: IF(B2<=12, 1200, *(b2-12))

6 Example: Compute weekly wage
Example: Compute weekly wage. Overtime hours are paid 50% more than the regular pay. In Cell D2: If(C2<=40, B2*C2, B2* *B2*(C2-40))

7 Example: Tax rate is based on married status:
Single: 15% Married: 10% In D5: If(B5=“S”,$C$1*C5, $C$2*C5)

8 Example: A restaurant charges service fee based on this rule: 15% of the check amount with a minimum of $2.

9 Exercises 1. The average of two exams is calculated by this rule: 60% * higher score + 40% * lower score. 2. An Internet service provider offers a service plan that charges customer based on the following rules: The first 20 hours: $10 Each additional hour: $1.5

10 Nested IF Example: Rules to determine bonus:
JobCode = 1, Bonus=500 JobCode = 2, Bonus = 700 JobCode = 3, Bonus = 1000 In C2: If(B2=1, 500, If(B2=2, 700, 1000))

11 1 JobCode= 1 Or <> =1 2 JobCode=2 Or <> 2 3

12 Example Electric Company charges customers based on KiloWatt-Hour used. The rules are: First 100 KH, 20 cents per KH Each of the next 200 KH (up to 300 KH), 25 cents per KH All KH over 300, 30 cents per KH In C2: If(B2<=100, .2*B2,If(B2<=300,.2* *(B2-100),.2* *200+.3*(B2-300))

13 What if we have more than 3 conditions
Example: Bonus JobCode = 1, Bonus = 500 JobCode = 2, Bonus = 600 JobCode = 3, Bonus = 700 JobCode = 4, Bonus = 800 JobCode = 5, Bonus = 1000 Other functions: Table lookup

14 Example State University calculates students tuition based on the following rules: State residents: Total units taken <=12, tuition = 1200 Total units taken > 12, tuition = per additional unit. Non residents: Total units taken <= 9, tuition = 3000 Total units taken > 9, tuition = per additional unit.

15 Units <= 12 or Not Resident or Not Units <= 9 or Not

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