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Treasurers Report AGM 15/01/14

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1 Treasurers Report AGM 15/01/14
Lincoln Canoe Club Treasurers Report AGM 15/01/14


3 Income An increase of 23.65% on 2012 Includes: £1055 Sponsored Paddle
£1007 Christmas Raffle £ 247 Dinner Raffle £ 136 Karakokie Sportivate The Tuck Shop deposited £484.96 £100 Prize Money

4 Income Many very kind Donations throughout the year including £300 from Peter, John and Alan to contribute towards this TV! Also, the proceeds from those fantastic Watch Holders, which Colin kindly donated to the club.

5 Income Events Income Detail Dinner Income 1,688.00 Regatta Income
1,507.25 Open Day Income 107.05 Lincs Show Income - Marathon Income 1,202.99

6 Expenditure Events Expenses Detail Dinner EXP 1,604.58 Regatta EXP
1,765.16 Open Day EXP 26.69 Lincs Show EXP 232.20 Marathon EXP 534.63

7 Expenditure Storage for Canoes stopped in February – the spare canoes are now at the Sailing Club. Brayford Trust Rent Arrears for 2010 paid up in full. New Buoyancy Jackets plus some small repairs Clubhouse Painting £1963 which would have cost much more if not for more significant donations from K1 Solutions (Rob)

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