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Motion Graphs.

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Presentation on theme: "Motion Graphs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motion Graphs

2 Units What are the units of speed when:
Distance is measured in metres and time in seconds Distance is measured in kilometres and time in hours Distance is measured in metres and time in minutes

3 Calculate Pairs of cameras spot your number plate, start a timer, and then spot your number plate again leaving a zone 800 m The speed cameras record that a car takes 350 seconds to move between them. Calculate the average speed of the car. Show your working. Give the unit. 2.28 m/s

4 Distance against time graphs

5 No movement? distance time

6 No movement distance time

7 Constant speed? distance time

8 Constant speed distance time

9 Constant speed distance The gradient of this graph gives the speed

10 How would the graph look different for a faster constant speed?
distance time

11 Constant speed fast distance time

12 How would the graph look different for a slower constant speed?
fast How would the graph look different for a slower constant speed? distance time

13 Constant speed fast distance slow time

14 Getting faster? (accelerating)
distance time

15 Getting faster distance time

16 Examples distance time

17 A car accelerating from stop and then hitting a wall
distance time

18 A car accelerating from stop and then hitting a wall
distance time

19 Speed against time graphs

20 No movement? speed time

21 No movement speed time

22 Constant speed? speed time

23 Constant speed speed time

24 How would the graph look different for a faster constant speed?

25 Constant speed speed fast time

26 How would the graph look different for a slower constant speed?
fast time

27 Constant speed speed fast slow time

28 Getting faster? (accelerating)
speed time

29 Getting faster? (accelerating)
speed Constant acceleration time

30 Getting faster? (accelerating)
speed The area under the graph gives the distance travelled time

31 Example: speed time

32 A dog falling from a tall building (no air resistance)
speed time

33 A dog falling from a tall building (no air resistance)
speed time

34 A dog falling from a tall building (no air resistance)
speed Area = height of building time

35 Be careful! speed time distance time

36 No movement speed time distance time

37 Constant speed speed time distance time Area = distance travelled

38 Constant acceleration
speed time distance time Area = distance travelled

39 Too easy? I have a challenge for you!
Can you watch the following video clip and use a stopwatch to determine how far the car travelled? I will provide you with a stopwatch and a table to fill in!



42 Activity Plot these results on a speed time graph, with time on the bottom axis (the x axis) and speed on the side axis (the y axis). Label the points where there is a change in motion A,B,C,D,E,F,H,I,J and K. Example: point A is at time 0 and speed 20.

43 Distance travelled in m
Time in s Distance travelled in m 60 200 120 400 180 240 300 800 360 1200 420 480 1600 540 2000 600 2200 The table shows the data of a man’s journey from home to town. Use the data to accurately plot a distance/time graph of the journey. 1.The man catches a bus in to town. How long does he wait for the bus? 2.What is the average speed of the man walking? 3.How long would the journey have taken on foot?4.What could be happening between 360s-420s? 5.How far does he travel on the bus? 6.What is the average speed of the bus between stops?

44 Distance/Time graph of a man catching a bus in to town

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