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Estimating Square Roots

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1 Estimating Square Roots
Notes and Skills Practice

2 Perfect Squares Square roots that work out evenly are called “perfect squares”

3 What if it’s not a perfect square?
Square roots that do not work out evenly are irrational numbers Because of this, we can only estimate or round the answer

4 Steps Find the two perfect squares that the number is between
Decide if the decimal should be big, small, or in the middle Multiply until you find the decimal that is closest

5 Notes – Estimating Square Roots
Perfect Squares – Double check your table!

6 Example 79 ≈ 79 8.__ 8.9 8.8 x 8.8 704 +7040 77.44 8.9 x 8.9 801 +7120 79.21

7 Practice – Estimating Square Roots
3.7 7.1 6.2 9.5 2.4 12.6 1) ) 90 2) ) 6 3) ) 160

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