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Adapted from the 2009 AP World History Exam

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1 Adapted from the 2009 AP World History Exam
The Silk Road CCOT Adapted from the 2009 AP World History Exam

2 Basic Core Expanded Core 1. Has acceptable thesis. 1 Point
Historical skills and knowledge required to show competence. Expanded Core Historical skills and knowledge required to show excellence. 1. Has acceptable thesis Point (addresses the global issues and the time period specified) 2. Addresses all parts of the Points of the question, though not necessarily evenly or thoroughly. (Addresses most parts of the (1) question: for example, addresses change but not continuity) 3. Substantiates thesis with Points appropriate evidence. (Partially substantiates thesis with (1) appropriate evidence.) 4. Uses relevant world historical Point context effectively to explain change over time and/or continuity. 5. Analyzes the process of change Point over time and continuity. (tell why things are continuous and why changes have occurred) . Expands beyond basic core of 1-7 Points. The basic core of a Points score of 7 must be achieved before a student can earn expanded core points. Examples: Has a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis Analyzes all issues of the question (as relevant): global context, chronology, causation, change, continuity, effects, content. Addresses all parts of the question evenly. Provides ample historical evidence to substantiate thesis. Provides links with relevant ideas, events, and trends in an innovative way. Subtotal Points Subtotal Points

3 Acceptable Thesis (1 pt)
Restate the prompt Address both continuity AND change Provide analysis of the continuity and change Can be more than one sentence, but must be consecutive to make it flow

4 Address All Parts of Question (2 pts)
Two points for this – you MUST address BOTH continuities and changes “Rule of Three” minimum Only need one continuity and one change for today Continuities must exist at the beginning and end of the ENTIRE time period (200 B.C.E. to 1450 B.C.E) Changes are things that are different during the time period Specific changes – NOT what is happening at beginning, middle, and end of time period

5 Substantiate Thesis with Appropriate Historical Evidence (2 pts)
Must support either a change or continuity and connect with prompt (Silk Road) Must be historically accurate Need to have AT LEAST eight pieces of evidence Does not have to be balanced evenly between continuities and changes, but should have some for both For today’s essay I will only require FOUR pieces for full credit

6 Uses Relevant World Historical Context to Explain Change or Continuity (1 pt)
Need to place changes in the larger world context and identify what GLOBAL events brought about changes The “big picture” things that are happening in the world at the time period and how they contributed to the changes Think about APWH Key Concepts Also discuss how continuities persist despite these global forces that bring about change

7 Analyzes the Process of Continuity and Change Over Time (1 pt)
This is where you explain the reasons WHY the changes and continuities happened CAUSATION!!!  What caused these continuities and changes to occur? Why did a change occur and how did it impact the particular region?

8 CCOT Formula Paragraph one: Paragraph Two:
Thesis Time period, region, global issue, continuities and changes (two each) Could also include the World Historical Context here – what are the big picture things happening across the regions specified during that time period? Paragraph Two: Addresses first part of thesis (either the continuities or changes) Tell the story of what stayed the same or what changed Need to support with historically accurate evidence Paragraph Three: Addresses second part of the thesis (either continuities or changes) Tell the story of what stayed the same or changed Paragraph Four: Conclusion Analysis of the process of the continuity and change over time (why things changed and why they stayed the same) If this hadn’t been done in previous two paragraphs

9 2009 CCOT Essay Prompt Directions: You are to answer the following question. You should spend 5 minutes organizing your essay and 35 minutes writing Write an essay that: Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with appropriate historical evidence Addresses all parts of the question Uses world historical context to show continuities and changes over time Analyzes the process of continuity and change over time Analyze continuities and changes along the Silk Road from 200 B.C.E to 1450 C.E.

10 CCOT Essay Requirements
This will be a reduced version of the CCOT The MINIMUM requirements are: Thesis that addresses ONE continuity and ONE change One paragraph addressing a continuity, one addressing a change At least FOUR pieces of historically accurate evidence One reference to a world historical context An analysis of either your change or continuity

11 CCOT Essay Review (10 minutes)
Read your essay and complete the following tasks: Highlight OR circle your thesis Use three different colored highlighters (or colored pencils if you do not have them) to do the following: Highlight your World Historical Context Highlight all of your pieces of evidence – and number them Highlight your analysis of the change or continuity -Create a key to identify colors

12 CCOT Essay Peer Review (15 minutes)
Read your peers’ essay and complete the following: Highlight their thesis Use three different colored highlighters (or colored pencils if you do not have them) to do the following: Highlight the World Historical Context Highlight all of the pieces of evidence – and number them Highlight the analysis of the change or continuity -Create a key to identify colors

13 CCOT Essay Peer Review (15 minutes)
After reading and reviewing your partner’s essay, fill out their \ CCOT Silk Road rubric check list on the back of the handout. Be sure to give them suggestions for improvement You have five minutes to complete this For the remaining time, share your suggestions and feedback with your partner as to how they can improve their essay.

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