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RWS 100 // 10-27-17 // Testa Danah Boyd (with an H)

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Presentation on theme: "RWS 100 // 10-27-17 // Testa Danah Boyd (with an H)"— Presentation transcript:

1 RWS 100 // // Testa Danah Boyd (with an H)

2 Outline Wikipedia/Attraction Big Picture for Boyd
Sources – what they do Group Work

3 Big Announcement

4 Assignment 3 Questions? Anyone have any questions about assignment 3?

5 Wikipedia What does Boyd say about Wikipedia?
Wikipedia – attraction entry.


7 The Big Picture Let’s answer the big picture questions for Boyd.

8 Describing Relationships Between Texts
Academic writing requires that you build arguments using multiple texts. To do this effectively, you will want to describe the relationships between these different texts. We will go over these big five ways: extend, complicate, qualify, challenge, and illustrate.

9 Extend When a source advances, develops, expands, or take further some element of an existing argument, we say that the source extends an argument. Extending an argument involves presenting additional evidence or reasons that are in line with the original argument but go beyond it.

10 Complicate When a source presents evidence, arguments or claims that are at odds with an author’s position, suggesting that the position needs to be qualified, we say that one text complicates another.

11 Qualify When a source presents evidence/claims that suggest an author’s argument goes too far, is too strong, or overgeneralizes, we say it qualifies the author’s argument. When a source limits the scope or extent of claims in an argument, we say that the source qualifies the argument.

12 Challenge When a source directly contradicts or challenges an author’s position.

13 Illustrate When a source provides examples, additional evidence, cases or arguments that help explain a position we say that the source illustrates an argument.

14 Describing Relationships Between Texts
Extend Complicate Qualify Challenge Illustrate

15 Worksheet The worksheet for relationships between texts.

16 Group Work Break up into groups.
Write stuff down on a piece of paper (1 paper per group). Summarize your section.

17 Team Mascara Jazmin, Robert, Riana, Trinity
Emergence of Digital Native

18 Team Nail Polish Sofi, Riley, Alexis, Maxwell
Youth Need New Literacies

19 Team Foundation Anthony, Jasmine, Francisco, Dillon B
The Politics of Algorithms

20 Team Eyeliner Tom, Sean, Danielle, Dillon S
Wikipedia as a Site for Knowledge Production

21 Team Lipstick Natalie, Seiya, Lauren, Josh, Arvin Digital Inequality

22 Team Eyeshadow Jordan, Jenna, Lyndsey, Courtney Beyond Digital Natives

23 Team Foundation: Anthony, Jasmine, Natalie, Dillon B // Politics of Algorithm
Team Eyeliner: Tom, Sean, Danielle, Dillon S // Wikipedia as a Site for Knowledge Production Team Mascara: Jazmin, Robert, Riana, Trinity // Emergence of Digital Natives Team Nail Polish: Sofi, Riley, Alexis, Maxwell // Youth Need New Literacies Team Lipstick: Francisco, Seiya, Lauren, Josh, Arvin // Digital Inequality Team Eyeshadow: Jordan, Jenna, Lyndsey, Courtney // Beyond Digital Natives

24 Group Work Summarize your section.
You can go paragraph by paragraph or give a general synopsis.

25 Turn In/Up Work Turn in any work you did to get credit for it.

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