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Lesson 10.6 Spheres pp. 439-445.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 10.6 Spheres pp. 439-445."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 10.6 Spheres pp

2 Objectives: 1. To define terms related to a sphere:
tangent plane, secant plane, and great circles. 2. To state and prove theorems about spheres. 3. To derive and apply a formula for arc length on a sphere.

3 Recall that a sphere is the set of points in space that are a given distance from a given point.

4 O is the center, OA is the radius, BC is a chord, DA is a diameter, EF is a tangent, BC is a secant.

5 Definition A secant plane to a sphere is a plane that intersects a sphere in more than one point. n O

6 O n

7 Definition A tangent plane to a sphere is a plane that intersects a sphere in exactly one point. The point is called the point of tangency.

8 S K R m

9 Theorem 10.19 The intersection of a sphere and a secant plane is a circle.

10 S C n B A D

11 Definition A great circle of a sphere is the intersection of the sphere and a secant plane that contains the center of the sphere.

12 S m O

13 Theorem 10.20 Two points on a sphere that are not on the same diameter lie on exactly one great circle of the sphere.

14 O

15 Theorem 10.21 Two great circles of a sphere intersect at two points that are endpoints of a diameter of the sphere.

16 O

17 Theorem 10.22 All great circles of a sphere are congruent.

18 O

19 O

20 Theorem 10.23 A secant plane of a sphere is perpendicular to the line containing the center of the circle of intersection and the center of the sphere.

21 Theorem 10.24 A plane is tangent to a sphere if and only if it is perpendicular to the radius at the point of tangency.

22 O A B To find the distance between A and B, you must find the length of the arc of the great circle that contains A and B.

23 A O B ) r 2 ( 360 mAB dAB p =

24 Homework pp

25 5. mXAY = 35 A X Y (2p•4) ≈ 2.4 units 360 35 dXY =

26 9. mHJI = 160; IJ = 3 J H I (2p•3) ≈ 8.4 units 360 160 dHI =

27 Consider the earth to be a sphere
Consider the earth to be a sphere. If its diameter is 7900 miles, find the distance between two cities that are the given degree measures apart. 13. 36° (2p•3950) ≈ mi. 360 36 d =

28 ■ Cumulative Review Find each area. 21. 2 7

29 ■ Cumulative Review Find each area. 22. 4 9

30 ■ Cumulative Review Find each area. 23. 2 6 5

31 ■ Cumulative Review Find each area. 24. 8

32 ■ Cumulative Review Find each area. 25. 3

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