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Legacy of Renaissance and Reformation …

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1 Legacy of Renaissance and Reformation …
A Focus on Evidence!!!!!!! * Scientific Method … Empiricism … that knowledge comes from sensory experience  Inductive Reasoning … Observation leads to general rules or laws (scientific method)

2 Causes of European Exploration
[1] Cut out Italian and Muslim “middlemen”

3 Causes of European Exploration
[2] Explorers want to get rich by entering the spice trade or conquering lands [3] Secure converts to Christianity [4] Renaissance “spirit of curiosity”

4 Portugal Leads the Way Prince Henry the Navigator (1420’s – 1460)
Funds scientists, cartographers, and ship building to explore Africa Bartolomeu Dias (1488) First to get around Africa Vasco da Gama (1497) Sail around Africa to get to Indian Ocean (spice trade) and setup Portuguese colony in Indian Ocean Ferdinand Magellan ( ) Circumnavigate the globe

5 Ferdinand Magellan’s Journey (Sept., 1519 – Sept., 1522)

6 - Find a westward route across Atlantic Ocean to the Spice Islands (Maluccas)
- Map 50 years after Columbus’s journey, believing there was a major continent just south of Japan.

7 Columbian Exchange Transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, technology, and ideas …


9 European Gain Footholds in Asia
Take notes on pages , taking notes on the following … Outposts around the Indian Ocean … Dutch East India Company … Trade in Mughal Indian and British-French Rivalry in India … Ming and Manchus Dynasties in China… - Topic Two, Lesson Two

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