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Urbanization Growth of the City.

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Presentation on theme: "Urbanization Growth of the City."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urbanization Growth of the City

2 Population Explosion! 8,293 90,426

3 Why the City? Plenty of work in mills and factories
Opportunities for citizenship Cheap & convenient Offered social support

4 Great Migration Between ,000 African Americans headed north Wanted to escape: Racial violence Economic hardship Political oppression

5 Problem: Housing Boardinghouses Row houses Dumbbell tenements






11 Problem: Transportation
Prior to industrialization On foot By horse After… Street cars Subways The old and new didn’t mix!

12 Fifth Avenue NYC 1900

13 “Close of a Career”

14 Problem: Services Water Sanitation Fire
Early years – water sold off of carts No indoor plumbing Sanitation Manure Sewage Garbage Soot Fire No water to fight with! Most buildings wood Not until 1900 did most cities have fire departments

15 Problem: Crime First police force Gangs ruled New York City 1844
Ineffective Gangs ruled Murderer’s Alley Robbers Roost

16 What to Do? Settlement House Movement Social Gospel Movement
Community centers in slum neighborhoods Workers lived in the houses along with the poor Social Gospel Movement Preached salvation through service to poor

17 The End!

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