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This IS Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "This IS Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 This IS Jeopardy


3 Scientific Method

4 Enzymes

5 Life Functions

6 Cell Organelles

7 Biochemistry

8 Pot Luck

9 Pot Luck Scientific Method Enzymes Life Functions Cell Organelles Biochemistry $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

10 A correctly written hypothesis should always be in this form!

11 What is a statement?

12 During the experiment, this is the group that receives NO treatment.

13 What is the control group?

14 If you are studying the effects of light on plant growth, an example of this would be soil type, plant species, and container type.

15 What is a constant?

16 3 ways to increase the reliability of an experiment!

17 Use a larger sample size
Repeat experiment Use a larger sample size Only test one variable at a time Use a control group

18 In an experiment exploring the effects of a hormone on mouse behavior, the amount of hormone would be labeled the___, and the behavior would be labeled the ____.

19 What is the independent variable and dependent variable?

20 All enzymes, as well as hemoglobin, some hormones, and parts of the cell membrane are all examples of this type of organic compound.

21 What is PROTEIN!?

22 Another term used to describe how enzymes speed up all chemical reactions. They are called organic …_________.

23 What are catalysts?

24 Maltose + H20 Glucose + Glucose This formula can be describes as…
Dehydration synthesis Hydrolysis c. respiration d. photosynthesis E

25 What is hydrolysis?

26 Enzymes that are present in the mitochondria break down ______a______ using __b___ in order to release ____c____ for the cell!

27 Glucose(carbs or food)
What are Glucose(carbs or food) oxygen ATP (energy)

28 3 factors that can effect the ability of an enzyme to function.

29 What are… Enzyme or Substrate concentration
The pH of the environment (7 is neutral) The temperature

30 The life function responsible for a cat having a litter of six kittens.

31 What is reproduction?

32 To survive, a hummingbird uses a lot of energy
To survive, a hummingbird uses a lot of energy. This energy most directly results from this life process.

33 What is respiration?

34 The ribosome making protein is an example of this life function of building complex molecules from simple ones.

35 What is synthesis?

36 Every single-celled organism is able to survive because it carries out these (Refers to ALL the Life Processes!!)

37 What are metabolic activities (Metabolism)?

38 Both a deer and a tree react to changes in their external surroundings, helping them to maintain, this, which is known as a constant internal environment.

39 What is homeostasis (dynamic equilibrium)?

40 This cell organelle synthesizes polypeptides!

41 What is the Ribosome?

42 2 Organelles found ONLY in plant cells!

43 What are the chloroplast, cell wall, large vacuole!?

44 While viewing a rapidly moving sperm cell, students conclude that these cells require a lot of energy. This organelle most directly provides this energy

45 What is the mitochondria?

46 This term describes the property of the cell membrane that allows only certain particles to pass through it.

47 What is selectively permeable?

48 These are 3 materials that can pass through the cell membrane using simple diffusion (passive transport!)

49 What are CO2, O2, H2O, ?

50 This is the group of organic compounds that includes enzymes.

51 What are proteins?

52 The reason why the enzyme salivary amylase will act on starch but not on protein.

53 What is enzyme specificity/ its specific shape?

54 This is what joins two amino acids together.

55 What is a peptide bond?

56 These are the end products of the hydrolysis of a polysaccharide.

57 What are simple sugars, or monosaccharides?

58 Daily Double!!

59 This is how you can tell the difference between a carbohydrate and a lipid.

60 What is a carbohydrate has a 2:1 H:O ratio and a lipid’s is greater than 2:1?

61 Organisms carry out activities needed to maintain homeostasis by using specialized internal these.

62 What are organelles?

63 When heating a solution in a test tube, a student should always take this precautionary measure.

64 What is wear safety goggles?

65 For human enzymes, this temperature is considered optimum.

66 What is 37° C?

67 The indicator used to detect glucose is _____ and the indicator used to detect starch is _____.

68 What are Benedict’s solution and Lugol’s iodine?

69 These are described as the transport channels within the cell.

70 What is the endoplasmic reticulum?

71 Describe how two body systems interact during an intense workout!
Final Jeopardy Describe how two body systems interact during an intense workout!

72 Respiratory, Circulatory, Nervous, Skeletomuscular, Digestive
(answer varies)

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