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Case compiled by: Jana Korytárová, Vít Hromádka Contact details: ; Basic Project Information Project Title Big City Road Circuit Brno Location Brno, Czech Republic Purpose - protection of the town center before transport; - converting all kinds of transport outside the center with maximum environmental protection; - balanced connections between urban areas; - pacification of local roads; - diversion of long distance transit transfer (Vienna , Prague,Bratislava, Ostrava). Scope 22, 7 km Total Project Value 1 772 mil. EUR Project Status (i.e.. initiation, planning, construction, operation, dismantling) Project contents from 4 parties: N-W Sector – planning (design), construction, operation N-E Sector – planning, construction S-E Sector – initiation, planning S-W Sector - initiation In the operation phase is approximately 20 % and next 12 % in construction. SECTION 1 - BASIC PROJECT INFORMATION
Big City Road Circuit Brno (BCRCB)
Idea of the realization prepared since 1947. Real realization started in 1998 and estimated finish of all realization activities is 2030. Long-term priority in the road network of the Czech Republic. Whole route of BCRCB is the best solution from aspect of protection of environment population's living conditions BCCB involves many expensive technical solutions including tunnels. From economic, transport and administrative reasons it is not possible to build the big city circuit in one stage. The whole route of circuit is divided into individual sections, which partial opening allows use of all parts already constructed.
Map of BCCB 2015 2021 2026 2030
MEGAPROJECT Internal Stakeholder Identification
(Stakeholders with a direct legally sanctioned relationship with the project) Stakeholder Category Case-Study Comments (e.g. maturity, previous experiences of stakeholders, skills, influence on project) Internal Supply-Side Client Statutary City of Brno Financiers Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic (RSD CR) The Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic (RSD CR) is a national contributory organization, founded by the Ministry of Transport and Communications on January 1st, The organization fulfils the following main tasks in the framework of its basic subject of activity: Management of motorways and roads of the 1st class including components and facilities of these communications according to §12 and a subsequent Act No. 13/1997 Coll., concerning roads, as amended, together with related rights and obligations and related ground Guarantees, maintenance and repairs of motorways and roads of the 1st Class, including components and facilities of these roads and acquisition of further assets necessary for management of these assets Sponsors Client’s Customers Inhabitants of Brna, transit traffic (Wienna-Prag, Prag – Brno - Bratislava, Wienna – Brno -Ostrava ) Client’s Owners Other internal supply-side categories ( please specify) Category SECTION 2 - PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS
MEGAPROJECT Internal Stakeholder Identification
(Stakeholders with a direct legally sanctioned relationship with the project) Internal Demand Side) Principal Contractor The construction is done in stages, the contractor is selected on a competitive basis under the Act on public procurement, the implementation of the participating companies Skanska CS, OHL ŽS, FIRESTA, SUBTERRA, EUROVIA First Tier Contractors Design offices Operator – Brněnské komunikace, a.s. ( Brno roads) Second Tier Consultants Statutary City of Brno, Brněnské komunikace, a.s. – Supervision of the investor, management of roads in the operation stage Professional Services Providers Brněnské komunikace, a.s. – Supervision of the investor, management of roads in the operation stage Other internal supply-side categories ( please specify) Category Case-Study Control system into the tunnels for example company Eltodo, a.s SECTION 2 - PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS
Case compiled by: Jana Korytárová, Vít Hromádka Contact details: ; Basic Project Information Contractual Framework (e.g. fixed price, cost-plus etc.) The project has during its project cycle several prices, expected price in initiation phase, estimated value of the investor on the beginning of public procurement, next contract price and definitively price. Contract price is fixed price, but over run costs are to 20 %. Difference between expected price and estimated value is 20 – 30 % due to changes in legislation, inflation and increase of prices of lands. Relevant Physical Dimensions (e.g. height, width, volume, length) N-W sector: length 5,065 km, 4 interchange, 3 tunnels (1 of them for tram); N-E sector: length 5,05 km, 7 interchange, 1 intersection, 2 tunnels, 1 flyover; S-E sector: length 8,265 km, 12 interchange, 1 tunnel, 2 flyovers; S-W sector: length 4,31 km, 4 interchange, 2 tunnels, 1 flyover; SECTION 1 - BASIC PROJECT INFORMATION
MEGAPROJECT External Stakeholder Identification
(Stakeholders with a direct interest in the project but with no legal contract) Stakeholder Category Case-Study Comments (e.g. maturity, previous experiences of stakeholders, skills, influence on project) External Public Regulatory Agencies Ministry of Transport and Communications Ministry of Environment Local Government Statutory City of Brno National Government Other internal supply-side categories ( please specify) Category Case-study Private Local residents Private residents Local Landowners Private Landowers Environmentalists Conservationists Archaeologists Other External Private stakeholders (please specify) Casestudy SECTION 2 - PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS
MEGAPROJECT Stakeholder Relationship Maps
Name of Actor Description of relationship Description of relationship SECTION 2 -PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS
MEGAPROJECT External Stakeholder Attitude Analysis
External Stakeholder’s Attitude to this Project External Stakeholder’s Influence on project Impact of Project on External Stakeholder Phase of Project of Greatest Interest (initiation, planning, construction, operation, dismantling) Ministry of Transport and Communications Ministry of Environment High requirements of environmental protection High investment cost Planning (design) and realisation phase Local residents (Civic Association) High Suspension of the preparatory hearing procedure, stop the construction of in progress. Stopping and reopening of construction reflects by the cost overrun. Planning, construction phase Local landowenr Speculative land purchases, which are made possible long-discussed project documentation in two stages - DUR, DSP SECTION 2 - PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS
MEGAPROJECT Project Management
Project Organisation Client Project Team Size & Structure Contractor Project Team Size and Structure Sub-Contractor Project Team Involvement Project Tools and Techniques Please √ if present, x if absent , leave blank if unknown Life-Cycle Costing Approaches □ Project Management Software □ Lessons Learnt Transfers □ Stakeholder Involvement □ Relationship Management Tools □ Team Building Tools □ Building Information Modelling (BIM) □ Project Knowledge Management Tools □ Competency framework □ Other Tools and Techniques or More Information SECTION 3 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT
Project Processes Risk Management Processes Present (describe below) □Not Present □ No Information □ HR Management Processes Procurement Management Processes Integration Management Processes Scope Management Processes Time Management Processes Cost Management Processes Quality management Processes Communications Management Processes SECTION 3 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT
MEGAPROJECT Project Performance
Aspects of Performance Concerned with Doing the Project Right Original Targets and changes to targets Actual Achievements Against Targets Performance relating to time Performance relating to cost Performance related to achieving specification SECTION 4 - PROJECT PERFORMANCE
Aspects of Performance Concerned with Doing the Right Project
Stakeholder or Stakeholder Grouping Original Aims of Project Involvement and Changes to these Aims Achievement of these Aims SECTION 4 - PROJECT PERFORMANCE
MEGAPROJECT Project Environment
Legal and Regulatory Environment Legal and Regulatory Project Environment (regionally, nationally and Europe wide) ACT on town and country planning and building code (Building Act); ACT on Public Contracts; Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Action Plan on Urban Mobility Specific Legal and Regulatory events impacting on the project Political Environment Political Project Environment Specific Political Events impacting on the project Civic Association VMO Brno - stop discussing the project documentation, halting construction of such tunnel 2 million CZK / day - objections VMO Brno civic association, which complained of violations of noise limits. SECTION 5 - PROJECT ENVIRONMENT
MEGAPROJECT Project Environment
Economic Environment Economic Project Environment Specific Economic Events impacting on the project SECTION 5 - PROJECT ENVIRONMENT
MEGAPROJECT Project Key Events and Activities Timeline
1992 2030 Events and activities relating to project stakeholders Events and activities relating to project management Megaproject has many phases – the requirement information are in other structure in the next slide. Events and activities relating to project performance Events and activities relating to project environment SECTION 6 - PROJECT TIMELINE
-The Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic (ŘSD) - Brněnské komunikace, a.s. - company is mainly engaged in, and is certified to do, the following :civil engineering projects (activities related to construction and reconstruction), and management and maintenance of roads. - Brno City Municipality/ deputy Mayor – technical / Transportation ; Planning and realization VMO – road I/42 – prezentation ŘSD ČR, June 2010
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