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Burns/Dudley/Marrero Sept , 2018

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1 Burns/Dudley/Marrero Sept. 10-14, 2018
We will continue working on narrative writing this week in all classes. Students will be completing the performance assessment in class. Dudley/Burns: We will continue reading Steal Away Home. Look for new vocabulary in binder. Marrero: We will be reading a short story this week titled, “Hattie’s Birthday Box.” Vocabulary in binder. 1st Nine Week Language Skills: conjunctions, prepositions, interjections, commas in a series, context clues, Greek and Latin roots SCHEDULE: MONDAY: TUESDAY: NO GT today/Unit 1 Math Test WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: FRIDAY: GT will see Mrs. Fortson ½ day today. Math: Students will take the unit 1 math test on Tuesday, September 11th. Students have study guides in their three-ring binders. Wednesday, we will begin Unit 2 on decimals. Students will focus on place value and comparing and ordering decimals this week. SCIENCE: We will continue to progress through Unit 2: electricity and magnetism this week. We will review electric circuits and begin learning about magnets and electromagnets. Unit 2 test is tentatively scheduled for September 21 SS: This week we are continuing our studies covering WWI. Students will continue to learn about contributing factors, the conclusion of the war and German reparations. Unit 2 test is tentatively scheduled for September 26. 4-H Mtg. September 17th

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