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Muscles move skeletal parts by contracting

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1 Muscles move skeletal parts by contracting
Team 1

2 Contractions The ability to move requires that the muscles be attached to the skeleton in antagonistic pairs When bicep contracts, triceps relax- When triceps contract, biceps relax

3 The structure of skeletal muscle
Muscle fiber consists of a bundle of long fibers running parallel to the length of the muscle Bundle of myofibrils arranged longitudinally


5 Myofibrils Two kinds of myofilaments :
Thin filaments- two strands of actin and one strand of regulatory protein coiled around thick filament Thick filaments- staggered array of myosin

6 Contractions In a relaxed muscle fiber, the I bands and the H zone are relatively wide During contraction, the thick, and thin filaments slide past each other, reducing the width of the I bands and H zone and shortening the sacromere In a fully contracted muscle fiber, the thin filaments overlap, eliminating the H zone. The I bands disappear as the ends of the thick filaments contract the Z lines


8 Myosin-Actin interactions underlying muscle fiber contraction
See figure 49.30, page 1068 as we explain

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