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WIMS Remote Sensing Needs and Applications Brainstorming Session – Group 2 January 16, 2018.

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1 WIMS Remote Sensing Needs and Applications Brainstorming Session – Group 2
January 16, 2018

2 Most important water-related data gaps
Consumptive use & ET data across the entire state ET data currently only available for select basins with inconsistencies between basins High resolution soil moisture Channel geometries and available water storage Reservoir levels High resolution elevation datasets and lidar applications to complement spectroscopy data (“high enough resolution to see below sagebrush”) In Wyoming, existing infrastructure is not even that well known – many diversions are privately owned

3 Recommendations to improve data services from NASA and other agencies
Websites should be easy for a new user to figure out Pre-canned or pre-processed data would be helpful (eg classified NVDI) especially for those agencies who don’t have a resident remote sensing/GIS expert. Also helpful to group data by season Provide data in multiple formats for a range of users Outreach and Education! Case studies and examples of how other people are already using the data. Examples should be easy to follow AND easy to find on the website Include how/where to get the data Videos are okay but nice to have a short but easy to follow document to refer back to (eg 2 page primer) In-person training offerings are very appreciated Website unreliability is a turnoff for users Eg: Goddard’s Giovanni website ( ) provides great data but website periodically seems to be unavailable or not working properly

4 General comments: Common tools used by the group: ArcGIS, Python, R, Google Earth Engine Most group members agreed that open source applications are better Some concerns about long term availability and support of Google Earth Engine, especially for research vs non-research NASA Early Adopters programs are a good idea (get users involved early and increases chances of long term use)

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