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Effective Invigilation: A Remedy to Examination Malpractice.

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1 Effective Invigilation: A Remedy to Examination Malpractice.
By Dr. Filgona, Joel November 2nd, 2018

2 Introduction Examination remains a major means of assessing a learner’s ability and Determining the extent to which the teacher has accomplished the set goals and objectives of a course. It creates dichotomy between success and failure. Students generally feel alright throughout the periods of lectures but become apprehensive as examination date draws nearer. While some will approach passing examination by

3 What is Examination Malpractice
honest means, others would engage in different forms of malpractice. Issues of examination malpractice are not new, the point of concern is the sophisticated dimensions it has taken. What is Examination Malpractice unlawful activity usually for personal advantage by any person in a position of trust and responsibility in the conduct of examination.

4 It is the violation of rules and regulation just for selfish reason by any of the parties involved in the conduct and administration of examination. This implies that examination malpractice is not an act of students alone. It involves all the parties concerned with the conduct and administration of examination among which is examination invigilation. Why Invigilate Examination Free and fair justice philosophy. Considering the importance of examination, adequate

5 moderation of the process is imperative.
Invigilation ensures orderliness and adherence rules and regulations. Invigilation ensures justice and fair play on the part of all the examinees, It ensures standard especially when done according to the laid down regulations. The regulation on examination invigilation is contained in Adamawa State University Hand Book on Examination Regulation, 2004.

6 3.15 …..invigilators(s) shall be in the venue assigned to
them not later than 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination to ensure that the venue is ready for use by the candidates. 3.17 Students shall be expected to be in the examination venue 30 minutes to the commencement of the paper. 3.18 It shall be the duty of the invigilator to invite candidates into the examination venue. 3.19 The invigilator shall ensure that no unauthorized materials are carried into the venue by the candidates.

7 3.20 A student may be admitted up to 45 minutes after the
start of the examination, but he/she shall not be allowed extra time. If a student arrives later than 45 minutes after the start of the examination, an invigilator may, at his/her discretion, admit him/her, if the invigilator is satisfied that the student had good cause for his/her lateness. He/she shall not be allowed extra time. 3.28 The invigilator should be vigilant and not allow himself to be distracted in any way throughout the period of examination.

8 Challenges Associated with Examination Invigilation
Absenteeism of invigilators. Lateness to venue of examination by invigilator. Non searching of students before allowed entry into examination hall. Lateness to venue of examination by students. Students come to examination venue with inadequate identification documents. Students come to examination venue with prohibited materials.

9 Inadequate examination venue.
Inadequate number of invigilators. Lack of motivation for invigilators. Lack of prompt treatment of examination malpractice cases. Delay in the production and circulation of invigilation schedule. The problem of who should/should not invigilate. Way Forward If an invigilator is going to be absent, he/she should get

10 a replacement among staff qualify to invigilate.
Invigilators should be at the venue at least 30 minutes to the start of examination. Students should always be properly searched before admitted into examination hall. Students should be at the examination venue at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination. Departmental Examination Officers should ensure that students presents their ID cards before they are issued examination card.

11 Students should not be admitted into the examination hall with unauthorized materials.
More academic staff should be employed to match the increasing number of students. More halls should be built to carter for the increasing students population. Cases of examination malpractices should be treated promptly. Invigilators can be motivated by providing refreshment during examination.

12 Adequate number of security personnel should be posted to examination venue.
Any staff who is qualify to teach is also qualify to invigilate. Conclusion Examination malpractice is an indicator of a corrupt education system. By effective invigilation cases of malpractice during examination can be minimized.

13 Lecturers are role models and distinguished elite saddled with the responsibility of ensuring standard through compliance with set rules and regulations. Ineffective examination invigilation is synonymous to examination malpractice.

14 Thank you

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