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The Pilgrims’ Experience

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1 The Pilgrims’ Experience
3.1 & 3.2 Notes Continued The Pilgrims’ Experience

2 The Pilgrim Experience
Puritans and Pilgrims Puritans Wanted to reform the Church of England Believed the following: that the church kept too many Catholic traditions Bishops/priests had too much power Bible was the most reliable source of power Sect Religious group of Puritans Wanted to separate from the Church of England rather than reform it (called Separatists) Formed own churches and were persecuted for doing so

3 Puritans

4 The Founding of Plymouth
Pilgrims These are the Separatists Left England and moved to the Netherlands (1607) Dutch allowed them to practice their religion William Bradford was one of their leaders The Founding of Plymouth Pilgrims were unhappy due to: Children learning Dutch traditions Having to do unskilled labor Led to decision to go to America Voyage to America Established a joint-stock company with Merchants Got permission from England to settle in Virginia September 16, 1620, left for America (on Mayflower)


6 Pilgrims and American Indians
Landed on Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts Knowing they were outside of Virginia colonial government, they formed their own Mayflower Compact Stated basic laws and social rules 1st effort at self-government in the English Colonies Half of the Pilgrims died in the first Winter -Video Pilgrims and American Indians Pilgrims met few Indians because dieases from previous Europeans killed them Samoset and Squanto Samoset spoke English (learned from previous exposure to English fisherman) Squanto spoke English (captured by Spanish) Showed them how to plant corn, fertilize soil, make peace with other Indian tribes. Video

7 Samoset and Squanto

8 The Pilgrims Community (ON Your OWN)
The First Thanksgiving Due to good harvest, good health (better buildings) Met with 90 Indians to Celebrate Marked first year in surviving in their new colony Trade Fur traders, fishing, farming* Family Took 20 years to pay of price of land Wanted large families for the sake of having more people to work on farm Adopted orphaned children Both children and indentured servants educated Women had more legal rights and could sign contracts Second Year at Plymouth

9 The First Thanksgiving



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