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Checkpoint #62(1-7) 6.63 – Describe the government of Roman Republic and its contributions to the development of democratic principles.

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Presentation on theme: "Checkpoint #62(1-7) 6.63 – Describe the government of Roman Republic and its contributions to the development of democratic principles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Checkpoint #62(1-7) 6.63 – Describe the government of Roman Republic and its contributions to the development of democratic principles.

2 Why did the plebs rebel in 494BC? Protested a war
Was a famine in region Unfair wages No voice on government 509BC republic formed 494BC – Plebs revolt and People’s tribune created along with the council of the plebs 451BC – law of the 12 tables created In 494BC the Plebian Assembly was created as well as the People’s Tribune…What authority did the Tribune have? Declare war Raise taxes Veto senate or magistrates laws Serve as judges 287BC – council of plebs could now make laws for all Romans

3 The Council of Plebs/Assembly were considered men of the people and men for the people. What was their primary function? Protect plebs rights To run the government To act as consuls Lead the Senate 509BC republic formed 494BC – Plebs revolt and People’s tribune created along with the council of the plebs 451BC – law of the 12 tables created 287BC – council of plebs could now make laws for all Romans

4 Magistrates Senate Assemblies and Tribunes
(Ran the government) Senate (Advised the magistrates) Assemblies and Tribunes (elected the magistrates) Elected government officials Served limited terms Originally only Patricians could hold these offices Served for life Started out as wealthy patricians Controlled finances Negotiated foreign affairs Made laws Could veto senate and magistrates Created to protect peoples rights Tribunes served one year terms What was the primary function of the Assemblies and Tribunes? Elect magistrates b. Negotiate foreign affairs c. Run the Government d. Decide how to spend the money

5 Magistrates Senate Assemblies and Tribunes
(Ran the government) Senate (Advised the magistrates) Assemblies and Tribunes (Elected the magistrates) Elected government officials Served limited terms Originally only Patricians could hold these offices Served for life Started out as wealthy patricians Controlled finances Negotiated foreign affairs Made laws Could veto senate and magistrates Created to protect peoples rights Tribunes served one year terms 5. What was the primary function of the magistrates? Make laws b. Negotiate foreign affairs c. Run the Government d. Decide how to spend the money

6 Which of the following titles would qualify as being a magistrate?
King Emperor President Dictator

7 Which of the following is being described in the box?
Tribunes b. Plebs c. Senate d. Consuls Oldest branch of Roman Government Patricians Decided who Rome’s enemies and allies where Raised taxes Made laws Advised magistrates

8 Check answers

9 Why did the plebs rebel in 494BC? Protested a war
Was a famine in region Unfair wages No voice on government 509BC republic formed 494BC – Plebs revolt and People’s tribune created along with the council of the plebs 451BC – law of the 12 tables created In 494BC the Plebian Assembly was created as well as the People’s Tribune…What authority did the Tribune have? Declare war Raise taxes Veto senate or magistrates laws Serve as judges 287BC – council of plebs could now make laws for all Romans

10 The Council of Plebs/Assembly were considered men of the people and men for the people. What was their primary function? Protect plebs rights To run the government To act as consuls Lead the Senate 509BC republic formed 494BC – Plebs revolt and People’s tribune created along with the council of the plebs 451BC – law of the 12 tables created 287BC – council of plebs could now make laws for all Romans

11 Magistrates Senate Assemblies and Tribunes
(Ran the government) Senate (Advised the magistrates) Assemblies and Tribunes (elected the magistrates) Elected government officials Served limited terms Originally only Patricians could hold these offices Served for life Started out as wealthy patricians Controlled finances Negotiated foreign affairs Made laws Could veto senate and magistrates Created to protect peoples rights Tribunes served one year terms What was the primary function of the Assemblies and Tribunes? Elect magistrates b. Negotiate foreign affairs c. Run the Government d. Decide how to spend the money

12 Magistrates Senate Assemblies and Tribunes
(Ran the government) Senate (Advised the magistrates) Assemblies and Tribunes (Elected the magistrates) Elected government officials Served limited terms Originally only Patricians could hold these offices Served for life Started out as wealthy patricians Controlled finances Negotiated foreign affairs Made laws Could veto senate and magistrates Created to protect peoples rights Tribunes served one year terms 5. What was the primary function of the magistrates? Make laws b. Negotiate foreign affairs c. Run the Government d. Decide how to spend the money

13 Which of the following titles would qualify as being a magistrate?
King Emperor President Dictator

14 Which of the following is being described in the box?
Tribunes b. Plebs c. Senate d. Consuls Oldest branch of Roman Government Patricians Decided who Rome’s enemies and allies where Raised taxes Made laws Advised magistrates

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