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Mockingbird Analysis: Chapters 25-27

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1 Mockingbird Analysis: Chapters 25-27
Explain the events surrounding Tom Robinson’s death. According to the authorities, what happened? How does most of the town react to Tom’s death? Who is Mr. Underwood? How is Mr Underwood’s editorial in the Maycomb Tribune similar to Atticus’ advice to Jem & Scout when they got their guns? Scout is growing up & her views are changing. Explain her feelings now about: their former cruel games concerning Boo Radley her remaining desire to see Boo in person Atticus’ apparent knowledge about their previous activities What is the irony of Miss Gates’ lecture on democracy when compared to her comments at the trial? When Scout tries to tell Jem about Miss Gates, why does he react so violently? Explain Atticus’ answer to her about this.   What were the three threatening things that had happened in Maycomb by the middle of October? What do these occurrences tell you about the kind of man Bob Ewell is. Why do Atticus & Aunt Alexandra not intend to go to the Halloween pageant?

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