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Machine Learning in Laparoscopy

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1 Machine Learning in Laparoscopy
Francis Kaping’a 25/07/2018

2 title Deep learning for action and event detection in endoscopic videos for robotic assisted laparoscopy This project is big. Maybe talk a bit about the overall SARAS project and point out where I come in

3 Project background Current situation
Operation performed by two; main surgeon and assistant Problems 1. Expensive 2. Human error Solution Replace the assistant with code This project is big. Maybe talk a bit about the overall SARAS project and point out where I come in

4 Project objectives 1. Come up with a list of relevant action/event classes 2. Annotate data by drawing bounding boxes around actions of interest 3. Test the current action detection codebase on the newly annotated dataset 4. (Optional) further improving the used deep learning architecture. This project is big. Maybe talk a bit about the overall SARAS project and point out where I come in

5 Implementation Data annotation Using MATLAB and Microsoft VoTT
Code development Snippets of code to manage data in Torch Model training and testing 1. Existing model 2. Fine tuning model for optimal results

6 Implementation: CNN Convolutional Neural Networks
Great for image, object, and action detection

7 IMPLEMENTATION: ssd SSD is a real time CNN based object detection and localisation architecture that underlies our model.

8 IMPLEMENTATION: action detection model
Model takes advantage of real time SSD architecture. Each frame is passed to two SSDs; Appearance SSD and Flow SSD. The results from both SSDs are fused and incrementally added to tubes being generated.

9 IMPLEMENTATION: annotation
VoTT is used for annotation Rate of annotation is 4 per second Skipping negative frames Annotating all positive frames So far annotated 6000 frames

10 IMPLEMENTATION: annotation
Explored annotation strategies: Draw bounding boxes around tools and tissue Draw bounding boxes when actions are imminent Each box should include 30% to 70% of instrument(s) and tissue The above are to above the model being over reliant on either instruments or tissues

11 IMPLEMENTATION: annotation
Example: Cutting seminal vesicle and pulling seminal vesicle respectively.

12 Progress Classes identification
Unrevised list of 47 classes identified. Examples are: 1. Mesocolon dissection 2. Bleeding 3. Lymph node dissection 4. Prostate dissection 5. Anastomosis

13 Progress Surveyed literature (Ongoing) Gathered video data (100%)
Discussions with experts to understand the data and clinical perspectives (90%) Annotated 20% of first video (about 6000 frames) Include video with a bounding box on an action

14 Challenges What makes an action? Tool or organ Opacity of actions
Unfortunate incidences are mostly those never seen before Over reliance on tools creates room for error Hard to tell lymph nodes from fat And a few more

15 Some solutions Choose frames to learn from. Skip non-informative frames. Train model on plenteous data. Fine tune model during training. E.g. filter sizes, number of layers, strides.

16 Risks Risk Identifying wrong classes Mitigation
Constant conversations with experts

17 Ethical and legal issues
Data only to be disclosed to deserving individuals Legal GDPR and Data Protection Act (1998 & 2018) insist on privacy

18 What is next? Continuation of annotation
Testing the existing model on the data Documenting results Proposing changes to model (time allowing)

19 Question?

20 Appendix Forceps

21 Appendix Electrical scissors

22 Appendix Clip applier

23 Appendix Needle driver

24 Appendix Scissors

25 Appendix Forceps

26 Appendix Catheter

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