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Term 1 Sep-Dec 18 Research Creative Life Skills

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1 Term 1 Sep-Dec 18 Research Creative Life Skills
Optional homework. Your child’s teacher would like your child to find time over the term to attempt (and have fun with) the following range of activities. You are welcome to adapt them to meet your child’s or family’s needs. Merits will be given for each activity which can be presented in any way the child wishes e.g. ICT, 3d model, paintings, drawings. Research The reason why WW1 or WW2 began. What significant events led to the these major wars? Scientific pioneers in evolution and inheritance e.g. Darwin, Anning, Crick and Watson. Jewish religion and the similarities and differences to Christianity. Authors from around the world whose books interest you. Creative Collage showing animal variation and adaptation. A reverse calendar for advent e.g. doing something for someone else. A World War 2 Anderson Shelter. Maths game. Try to use all four operations x,/,+,- Life Skills Set aside an hour a week with your family where no one is allowed to use electronic devices and play a board game. Plan a weekly menu using a strict budget similar to rationing during WW2. Write a recipe including timing for preparation and cooking as well as measurements. Make an activity chart for the week which includes at least ½ hour of physical activity. Term 1 Sep-Dec 18

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