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ee→J/ψ X(1835) & ee→J/ψρ(φ)

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Presentation on theme: "ee→J/ψ X(1835) & ee→J/ψρ(φ)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ee→J/ψ X(1835) & ee→J/ψρ(φ)
Peking University Wang Jian April

2 pp found by BES 1

3 X(1835) found by BES eta’ excited state? glueball state? Or others? 2

4 KEKB/Belle =10.58GeV c s d u 3

5 ee→J/ψ cc Problem 4

6 ee→J/ψ cc vs. ee→J/ψ glueball
Problem 5

7 Searching for X(1835) in recoil mass against J/ψ

8 Background study Red histogram: continuum background (u,d,s,c) MC generated using EvtGen; Blue one: just u,d,s continuum MC data. Combinatorial di-muon events fallen in J/psi mass window(green histogram); Peaking background: 1.Prompt J/psi a. b. 2.Non-prompt J/psi(negligible from a MC test on ee-> Ψ’γ/ee->Y(4360) γ). 7

9 Fitting/Result 8

10 e+e-J/ψ() Introduction 1 2 3 9

11 e+e-VV----VMD model calculation
M. Davier et al, hep-ph/ Assuming the e+e− → ** process followed by conversion of * into V1 and V2, with effective coupling e/f1 and e/f2 . The cross section in c.m. frame can be written as: Obtain effective coupling through meson’s leptonic width: Calculation with this simple VMD model agree with the measurements of e+e-0/. More calculations based on VMD are summarized in the previous slide. The value obtained for e+e-J/psi J/psi differs somewhat from the estimate given by vs. 10

12 Selection criteria Two photon processes was removed under * 11

13 Some plots Green histograms are MC data scaled to 10.16fb and 1.46fb for e+e-J/ψ and e+e-J/ψ respectively, calculated in hep-ph/ 12

14 Fitting/results scaled 13

15 Fitting/results 14

16 Production anglue and helicity study
MC MC Consistent with theoritic prediction using Two-Virtual Photon Annihilation very well. 15

17 Summary Set an upper limit for ee→J/ψ X(1835) to be 0.9 fb at 90% CL.
First mesurement for decay e+e-J/ψ(): An upper limit for e+e-J/ψ is set to be 2.4fb at 90%. which is consistent with the theoritic pridiction: hep-ph/ 16

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