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Representativeness Is the sample that we study a typical cross-section of the wider population from which it is taken? Can the findings be used to make.

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Presentation on theme: "Representativeness Is the sample that we study a typical cross-section of the wider population from which it is taken? Can the findings be used to make."— Presentation transcript:

1 Representativeness Is the sample that we study a typical cross-section of the wider population from which it is taken? Can the findings be used to make generalisations about the wider population?

2 Representativeness In order to do any research we must have some participants The participants that we choose are called our sample If the researcher wants to make statements about a certain population his sample must be representative of that population

3 Proportion This requires some maths A proportion is a share of the total Groups being studied should receive the same share of the sample as they occupy in the population

4 A national issue? Imagine I wanted to know what the whole United Kingdom thought about an issue such as fox hunting, or fear of nuclear missiles I would need to know where everybody lived (how the population is distributed)

5 A national issue? A phd research project with 5,000 respondents
South East 8,634,750 13.67% 684 London 8, 12.94% 647 North West 7,052,177 11.16% 558 East of England 5,846,962 9.25% 463 West Midlands 5,601,847 8.87% 443 South West 5,288,935 8.36% 418 Yorkshire and the Humber 5,283,733 East Midlands 4,533,222 7.17% 358 North East 2,596,886 4.11% 206 Wales 3,063,456 4.85% 243 Scotland 5,295,000 8.38% 419 Northern Ireland 1,801,863 2.85% 143 Total 63,181,775 100% 5,000

6 Age Age group Population  % Male (million) Female (million) Total (million) 0–14 5.681 5.419 11.100 17.6 15–64 20.751 20.953 41.704 66.0 65+ 4.597 5.781 10.378 16.4 All ages 31.029 32.153 63.182 100 Researchers need to pay attention to the age of their respondents. If the age range must match the population if it is to be representative.

7 Examples Van Houtte and Jarvis 1995 studies the effect that pet ownership had on self-esteem. They found that pet owners displayed a higher sense of self- esteem and autonomy in certain tests. +19 SHARE PICTURE Copy link to paste in your message Noah Bloom, 11, kisses his pet magpie goodbye before heading off to school. Named 'Penguin' simply because of her resemblance to the aquatic creature, the magpie has been part of the Bloom family since Daily Mail March 2015

8 Examples They were very good results and very interesting. But they did not reflect the whole population. They were not very representative. Their sample was very small. 130 pupils (71 boys and 59 girls aged between 8 and 13) from one Illinois school +19 SHARE PICTURE Copy link to paste in your message Noah Bloom, 11, kisses his pet magpie goodbye before heading off to school. Named 'Penguin' simply because of her resemblance to the aquatic creature, the magpie has been part of the Bloom family since Daily Mail March 2015

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