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English/LUNCH/English locker

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Presentation on theme: "English/LUNCH/English locker"— Presentation transcript:

1 English/LUNCH/English locker
March 9, Day C Exploratory Math English/LUNCH/English locker Science Social Studies

2 Activator: Take out your Homework and your Module 4 packet
March 9, [Day C] Take out your Homework and your Module 4 packet On pg. 66, complete the graphic organizer with mathematical words that indicate each operation.

3 Objective(s): SWBAT: read expression in which letters stand for
numbers. They assign operation terms to operations when reading. And identify parts of an algebraic expression using mathematical terms for all operations. (6.EE.A.2)

4 Opening Exercise pg. 66 Reduced by

5 Pgs Example 1 With your graphic organizer created during the activator, complete example 1 on pages

6 Why is 3 divided by d plus f not a correct answer?
3 divided by d plus f would indicate that we divide 3 and d first and then add f, but this is not what the expression is showing.

7 With your partner, complete exercises 1-4 on page 67
Pg Exercises 1-4 With your partner, complete exercises 1-4 on page 67

8 March 6, [Day B] How do you feel? topic.

9 Pg Exercises 5-10 With your partner, write an expression using vocabulary words to represent each given expression on pg. 68

10 Pg Ex. 5-10

11 March 6, [Day B] How do you feel? topic.

12 Closing: Peter says the expression 11-3c is 3 times c decreased by 11. Is he correct? Why or why not? Peter is not correct because the expression he wrote is in the wrong order. If Peter wanted to write a correct expression and use the same vocabulary words, he would have to write 11 decreased by 3 times c.

13 March 9, [Day C] How do you feel? topic.

14 List 5 different math vocabulary words that could be used to describe:
Ticket to go List 5 different math vocabulary words that could be used to describe: 3(d-2) +10

15 Pg. 69

16 Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners
March 9, [Day C] Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners

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