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THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy With Your Host... Ms. Anderson.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS Jeopardy. THIS IS Jeopardy With Your Host... Ms. Anderson."— Presentation transcript:


2 THIS IS Jeopardy

3 With Your Host... Ms. Anderson

4 Jeopardy What is History? Historians Sources Research Picture This Vocabulary 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

5 This person’s job is to examine the cause and effect of events from the past

6 What is an historian? A 100

7 A measure of time—ten years

8 What is a decade? ASlide 4 200

9 A measure of time—100 years

10 What is a century? A 300

11 Calendar used today which counts years starting at the birth of Christ

12 What is Gregorian Calendar?

13 Visually represents historical events in order

14 What is a timeline? A 500

15 Study of objects to learn about past human life

16 What is archaeology? B 100

17 Study of fossils B 200

18 What is paleontology? B 200

19 The study of human culture and how it developed over time
B 300

20 What is anthropology? B 300

21 Historians look at this to show proof that something is true
B 400

22 What is evidence? BSlide 4 400

23 Historian attempt to avoid this, as it is an emotional unreasonable judgement?

24 What is bias? B 500

25 First-hand pieces of evidence created by someone who experienced the event

26 What is a primary source?

27 Created after the event by people not part of the event

28 What is a secondary source?
CSlide 4 200

29 Letters, Diary, Government records CSlide

30 What are primary sources?


32 Biography Encyclopedia, Text book C 400

33 What are secondary sources?
CSlide 4 400

34 In order to balance bias and experience various points of view on an issue….historians do this….

35 What is look at many different primary and secondary sources?

36 A decision reached after looking at evidence

37 What is a conclusion? D 100

38 First step in researching
D 200

39 What is choose a topic? D 200

40 Can be proven by evidence

41 What is a fact? DSlide 4 300

42 Claiming someone else’s ideas as your own

43 What is plagerism? D 400

44 Historians evaluate events in history using evidence and the ideas within that time period rather than… DSlide

45 What evaluating based on modern ideas/understandings?
DSlide 4 500

46 In What year was Franklin born?
What is “A”? B D In What year was Franklin born? E 100

47 What is 1705? E 100

48 Which happened first, the Declaration of Independence
or the Treaty with France? E 200

49 What is the Declaration of Independence?

50 What can you infer from this picture?
B E 300

51 These people were hunters They ate meat Deer lived in this area
People hunted in groups E 300

52 What observations can you make of this image?

53 Person is talking on phone
Has an ice pack Has a cup Has a blanket E 400

54 What inference can you make?

55 This person is calling doctor/work because she is sick

56 Long period of time F 100

57 era F 100

58 man-made object F 200

59 What is an artifact? F 200

60 Remains of plant or animal

61 What is a fossil? F 300

62 A person’s attitude about people or life

63 What is point of view? F 400

64 Evidence of being an expert

65 What are credentials? F 500

66 The Final Jeopardy Category is:
Please record your wager. Click on screen toSlide 67 begin

67 List steps of research….
Click on screen to continue

68 Select reliable resources Cite source/write paper in own words
Choose topic Select reliable resources Cite source/write paper in own words Click on screen to continue

69 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!
Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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