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Towards Shape Analysis for Device Drivers Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Josh Berdine, Cristiano Calcagno, Byron Cook,

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Presentation on theme: "Towards Shape Analysis for Device Drivers Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Josh Berdine, Cristiano Calcagno, Byron Cook,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards Shape Analysis for Device Drivers Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Josh Berdine, Cristiano Calcagno, Byron Cook, Dino Distefano, Peter OHearn and Thomas Wies)

2 Dream Do deep shape analysis for real programs (i.e., programs of ~ 100K LOC). 1.Memory safety 2.Absence of leaks 3.Race freedom 4.Reponsiveness

3 void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) { ……… PRESET_IRP ResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION de; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)ResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp ) Pb 1: Extreme local analysis Tied to OS kernel Expensive shape analysis KeReleaseSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, Irql); KeAcquireSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);

4 void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) { ……… PRESET_IRP ResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION de; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)ResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); }

5 void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) { ……… PRESET_IRP ResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION de; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)ResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } Pb1 : Extreme local analysis A part of code in isolation. No preconditions. Only the memory footprint of the part.

6 void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) { ……… PRESET_IRP ResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION de; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)BusResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } Pb 2: Challenging Data Structures typedef struct { DEVICE_OBJECT* StackDeviceObject; DEVICE_OBJECT* PortDeviceObject; DEVICE_OBJECT* PhysicalDeviceObject; … ADDRESS_DATA* Flink1; RESET_IRP* Flink2; CROM_DATA* Flink3; DETACH_DATA* Flink4; RESOURCE_DATA* Flink5; } DEVICE_EXTENSION, *PDEVICE_EXTENSION; typedef struct DEVICE_OBJECT { … DEVICE_EXTENSION* DeviceExtension; … } DEVICE_OBJECT, *PDEVICE_OBJECT;

7 Drawn by Dino Distefano

8 void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) { ……… PRESET_IRP ResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION de; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)BusResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } Pb 3: Concurrency KeReleaseSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, Irql); KeAcquireSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); typedef struct { … DRIVER_CANCEL (*CancelRoutine)(…); … } IRP, *PIRP;

9 Status of Separation-logic based Shape Analysis (London/Cambridge) Problem 1: Extreme local analysis Extreme local shape analysis [Calcagno, Distefano, OHearn, Yang] Problem 2: Challenging data structures Adaptive shape analysis [Berdine, Calcagno, Disetafano, Cook, Wies, OHearn, Yang] Problem 3: Concurrency Thread-modular shape analysis [Gotsman, Berdine, Cook, Sagiv]

10 Extreme Local Shape Analysis Analyze a part of code in isolation. No preconditions. Only the memory footprint of the part.

11 void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) { ……… PRESET_IRP ResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION de; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)BusResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&de->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); }

12 void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) { ……… PXXX_RESET_IRP XXXResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)BusResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } (de D Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,de) typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; IRP* Irp; … } RESET_IRP, *PRESET_IRP; typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; … } DEVICE_EXTENSION; (de D Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,x 1 ) * (x 1 R Irp:Irp) (de D Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,0) (de D Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,de)(de D Flink2: de)

13 void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) { ……… PXXX_RESET_IRP XXXResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)BusResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } (de Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,de) typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; IRP* Irp; … } RESET_IRP, *PRESET_IRP; typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; … } DEVICE_EXTENSION; (de D Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,x 1 ) * (x 1 R Irp:Irp) (de D Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,0) (de Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,de)(de D Flink2: de) de D Flink2: de

14 void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) { ……… PXXX_RESET_IRP XXXResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)BusResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } (de Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,de) typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; IRP* Irp; … } RESET_IRP, *PRESET_IRP; typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; … } DEVICE_EXTENSION; (de D Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,x 1 ) * (x 1 R Irp:Irp) (de D Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,0) (de Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,de)(de D Flink2: de) de D Flink2: de Æ de = ResetIrp

15 void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) { ……… PXXX_RESET_IRP XXXResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)BusResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } (de Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,de) typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; IRP* Irp; … } RESET_IRP, *PRESET_IRP; typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; … } DEVICE_EXTENSION; (de D Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,x 1 ) * (x 1 R Irp:Irp) (de D Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,0) (de Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,de)(de D Flink2: de) de D Flink2: de Æ de = ResetIrp

16 void XXX_CancelIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) { ……… PXXX_RESET_IRP XXXResetIrp,temp,tempnext; PDEVICE_EXTENSION deviceExtension; ……… KeAcquireSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, &Irql); ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)de->Flink2; while (ResetIrp !=NULL) { if (ResetIrp->Irp == Irp) { temp = (PRESET_IRP)de; tempnext = temp->Flink2; while (tempnext != ResetIrp) { temp = tempnext; tempnext = temp->Flink2; } temp->Flink2 = ResetIrp->Flink2; free(ResetIrp); break; } else if (ResetIrp->Flink2 == (PRESET_IRP)de) break; else ResetIrp = (PRESET_IRP)BusResetIrp->Flink2; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&deviceExtension->ResetSpinLock, Irql); …… IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } (de Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,de) typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; IRP* Irp; … } RESET_IRP, *PRESET_IRP; typedef struct { RESET_IRP* Flink2; … } DEVICE_EXTENSION; (de D Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,x 1 ) * (x 1 R Irp:Irp) (de D Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,0) (de Flink2: x 0 ) * ls (RESET_IRP,Flink2) (x 0,de)(de D Flink2: de) de D Flink2: de Æ de = ResetIrp ERROR: No IRP Field in DEVICE_EXTENSION

17 Extreme Local Shape Analysis Trace Generation Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } assert(x!=0); t=x; x=x->next; free(x); assert(x=0); assert(x!=0); t=x; x=x->next; free(x); assert(x!=0); t=x; x=x->next; free(x); assert(x=0);

18 Extreme Local Shape Analysis Trace Generation Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } assert(x!=0); t=x; x=x->next; free(x); assert(x=0); assert(x!=0); t=x; x=x->next; free(x); assert(x!=0); t=x; x=x->next; free(x); assert(x=0);

19 Extreme Local Shape Analysis Trace Generation Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } assert(x!=0); t=x; x=x->next; free(x); assert(x=0); assert(x!=0); t=x; x=x->next; free(x); assert(x!=0); t=x; x=x->next; free(x); assert(x=0); P0P0 P1P1

20 Extreme Local Shape Analysis Trace Generation Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } assert(x!=0); t=x; x=x->next; free(x); assert(x=0); assert(x!=0); t=x; x=x->next; free(x); assert(x!=0); t=x; x=x->next; free(x); assert(x=0); P0P0 P1P1 Abstract preconditions P2P2 P3P3

21 Extreme Local Shape Analysis Trace Generation Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } assert(x!=0); t=x; x=x->next; free(x); assert(x=0); assert(x!=0); t=x; x=x->next; free(x); assert(x!=0); t=x; x=x->next; free(x); assert(x=0); P0P0 P1P1 Abstract preconditions P2P2 P3P3 SpaceInvader {P 2,P 3,…,P n } {Q 1,Q 2,…,Q k } {I 1,I 2,…,I m }

22 Extreme Local Shape Analysis Trace Generation Footprint Computation Abstract preconditions SpaceInvader Sound precondition Footprint only

23 Separation Logic x y, ls (y,z) x y * ls (y,z), emp 9 y. z!=0 Æ v=a Æ x y * ls (y,z) x y yz yz x

24 Variable Convention Program variables: x,y,z,t,v,w Ghost (or auxiliary) variables: a,b,c,d,…. Primed variables: x,y,z,t,v,w 9 w,w 1. x!=0 Æ z=a Æ w!=w 1 Æ x w * ls (w,w 1 ) * y w 1

25 Symbolic Heaps Separation logic formulas of the form: (x!=0 Æ z=a Æ w!=w 1 ) Æ (x w * ls (w,w 1 ) * y w 1 ) SH = Set of all symbolic heaps GhostSH = Set of sym. heaps with ghost vars only

26 Footprint Computation Foot : Trace x SH ! GhostSH x SH Correctness: If Foot(C,P)=(P 0,Q 0 ), then {P*P 0 }C{Q 0 } holds in Sep. Log. Q0Q0 P P0P0 C

27 Footprint Computation Foot : Trace x SH ! GhostSH x SH Correctness: If Foot(C,P)=(P 0,Q 0 ), then {P*P 0 }C{Q 0 } holds in Sep. Log. Foot(t=x->next, x=a Æ emp) = (a b, x=a Æ t=b Æ a b) {x=a Æ emp*a b} t=x->next {x=a Æ t=b Æ a b}

28 Footprint Computation Foot : Trace x SH ! GhostSH x SH Correctness: If Foot(C,P)=(P 0,Q 0 ), then {P*P 0 }C{Q 0 } holds in Sep. Log.

29 Footprint Computation Foot : Trace x SH ! GhostSH x SH Correctness: If Foot(C,P)=(P 0,Q 0 ), then {P*P 0 }C{Q 0 } holds in Sep. Log. Foot(free(x),P*E F) = (emp,P) if (P*E F) ` E=x Foot(free(x), x=a Æ a 0) = (emp, x=a Æ emp)

30 Footprint Computation Foot : Trace x SH ! GhostSH x SH Correctness: If Foot(C,P)=(P 0,Q 0 ), then {P*P 0 }C{Q 0 } holds in Sep. Log. Foot(free(x),P*E F) = (emp,P) if (P*E F) ` E=x Foot(free(x),P) = (a b,P) if P ` x=a, fresh b Rewrite x to some ghost variable. Foot(free(x), x=a Æ emp) = (a b, x=a Æ emp)

31 Footprint Computation Foot : Trace x SH ! GhostSH x SH Correctness: If Foot(C,P)=(P 0,Q 0 ), then {P*P 0 }C{Q 0 } holds in Sep. Log. Foot(free(x),P*E F) = (emp,P) if (P*E F) ` E=x Foot(free(x),P) = (a b,P) if P ` x=a, fresh b Foot(free(x),P) = (false,P) otherwise Foot(free(x), emp) = (false, emp) != (x b, emp)

32 Footprint Computation Foot : Trace x SH ! GhostSH x SH Correctness: If Foot(C,P)=(P 0,Q 0 ), then {P*P 0 }C{Q 0 } holds in Sep. Log.

33 Footprint Computation Foot : Trace x SH ! GhostSH x SH Correctness: If Foot(C,P)=(P 0,Q 0 ), then {P*P 0 }C{Q 0 } holds in Sep. Log. Foot(A;C,P) = let (P 0,Q 0 )=Foot(A,P) and (P 1,Q 1 )=Foot(C,Q 0 ) in (P 0 *P 1, Q 1 ) P Q1Q1 P0P0 Q0Q0 P1P1 A C P1P1

34 Footprint Computation Foot : Trace x SH ! GhostSH x SH Correctness: If Foot(C,P)=(P 0,Q 0 ), then {P*P 0 }C{Q 0 } holds in Sep. Log. Foot(A;C,P) = let (P 0,Q 0 )=Foot(A,P) and (P 1,Q 1 )=Foot(C,Q 0 ) in (P 0 *P 1, Q 1 ) Foot(free(x);free(y), x=a Æ y=b Æ emp) = (a c * b d, x=a Æ y=b Æ emp)

35 Footprint Computation Foot : Trace x SH ! GhostSH x SH Correctness: If Foot(C,P)=(P 0,Q 0 ), then {P*P 0 }C{Q 0 } holds in Sep. Log.

36 Footprint Computation Foot : Trace x SH ! GhostSH x SH Correctness: If Foot(C,P)=(P 0,Q 0 ), then {P*P 0 }C{Q 0 } holds in Sep. Log. Algorithm : Given a trace C. Supp FPV(C) = {x}. P := (x=a Æ emp); (P 0,Q 0 ) := Foot(C, P); return (P * P 0 );

37 List Disposal list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } x 0

38 List Disposal list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } x 0

39 List Disposal list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } x 0 t

40 List Disposal list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } x 0 t

41 List Disposal list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } x 0 t

42 Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); }

43 Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ emp x=a Æ emp

44 Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp x=a Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp

45 Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp x=a Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp

46 Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp * a b x=a Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * a b

47 Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp * a b x=a Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * a b

48 Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * a b x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp x=a Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * a b x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ b!=0 Æ emp

49 Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * a b x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp x=a Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * a b x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ b!=0 Æ emp x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp

50 Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * a b * b c x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp x=a Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * a b x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ b!=0 Æ emp x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp x=c Æ a!=0 Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp * b c

51 Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * a b * b c x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp x=a Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * a b x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ b!=0 Æ emp x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp x=c Æ a!=0 Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp * b c x=c Æ a!=0 Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp

52 Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ c=0 Æ emp * a b * b c x=c Æ a!= 0 Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ c=0 Æ emp x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp x=a Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ emp x=a Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ emp * a b x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=a Æ b!=0 Æ emp x=b Æ a!=0 Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp x=c Æ a!=0 Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp * b c x=c Æ a!=0 Æ t=b Æ b!=0 Æ emp

53 Abstraction Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ c=0 Æ emp * a b * b c Abs : SH ! CanonicalSH 1.Existentially quantify ghost vars. 2.Substitute away equalities d=E. 3.Drop disequalities. 4.Apply list abstraction.

54 Abstraction Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ c=0 Æ emp * a b * b c Abs : SH ! CanonicalSH 1.Existentially quantify ghost vars. 2.Substitute away equalities d=E. 3.Drop disequalities. 4.Apply list abstraction. Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ c=0 Æ emp * a b * b c

55 Abstraction Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ c=0 Æ emp * a b * b c Abs : SH ! CanonicalSH 1.Existentially quantify ghost vars. 2.Substitute away equalities d=E. 3.Drop disequalities. 4.Apply list abstraction. Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ c=0 Æ emp * a b * b c Discovered Precondition: x!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * x b * b 0

56 Abstraction Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ c=0 Æ emp * a b * b c Abs : SH ! CanonicalSH 1.Existentially quantify ghost vars. 2.Substitute away equalities d=E. 3.Drop disequalities. 4.Apply list abstraction. Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ c=0 Æ emp * a b * b c Discovered Precondition: x!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * x b * b 0 Discovered Precondition: emp * x b * b 0

57 Abstraction Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ c=0 Æ emp * a b * b c Abs : SH ! CanonicalSH 1.Existentially quantify ghost vars. 2.Substitute away equalities d=E. 3.Drop disequalities. 4.Apply list abstraction. Discovered Precondition: x=a Æ a!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ c=0 Æ emp * a b * b c Discovered Precondition: x!=0 Æ b!=0 Æ emp * x b * b 0 Discovered Precondition: emp * x b * b 0 Discovered Precondition: ls (x,0)

58 SpaceInvader list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } Precondition: ls (x, 0) Postcondition: x=0 Æ emp Fixpoint Computation

59 Backward Footprint Computation list t*; while (x!=0) { t = x; x = x->next; free(t); } Backward: assert(x!=0); t = x; x = x->next; free(t); assert(x=0); Forward: assert(x!=0); t = x; x = x->next; free(t); assert(x=0);

60 Frame Rule and Correctness of Footprint Computation Foot : Trace x SH ! GhostSH x SH Correctness: If Foot(C,P)=(P 0,Q 0 ), then {P*P 0 }C{Q 0 } holds in Sep. Log. Foot(A;C,P) = let (P 0,Q 0 )=Foot(A,P) and (P 1,Q 1 )=Foot(C,Q 0 ) in (P 0 *P 1, Q 1 ) P Q1Q1 P0P0 Q0Q0 P1P1 A C P1P1 Sound because of Frame Rule in Sep. Log. {P*P 0 }A{Q 0 } {P*P 0 *P 1 }A{Q 0 *P 1 } {Q 0 *P 1 }C{Q} {P*P 0 *P 1 }A;C{Q}

61 Experiments with Firewire Device Driver MacBook, 2GH Intel Core Duo. 2GB Mem. All fn calls are inlined. FunctionLOCTimeResult F1320.07AlarmReal Err F2870.04Yes F31300.43Yes F41980.31Yes F5 (loop 1)32540.75Yes F5 (loop 2)462.83Yes F5 (loop 3)2210.45Yes F5 (loop 4)170> 10 min??? F5 (loop 5)590.036Yes

62 Future Direction 1.Weaving analysis results. 2.Good abstraction for footprints. 3.Better shape abstraction.

63 Footprint Computation Foot : Trace x SH ! GhostSH x SH Correctness: If Foot(C,P)=(P 0,Q 0 ), then {P*P 0 }C{Q 0 } holds in Sep. Log. Foot(assert(x!=0),P) = (a!=0 Æ emp, a!=0 Æ P) if P ` x=a

64 Footprint Computation Foot : Trace x SH ! GhostSH x SH Correctness: If Foot(C,P)=(P 0,Q 0 ), then {P*P 0 }C{Q 0 } holds in Sep. Log. Foot(assert(x!=0),P) = (a!=0 Æ emp, a!=0 Æ P) if P ` x=a Foot(assert(x!=0),P) = (false, P) otherwise

Download ppt "Towards Shape Analysis for Device Drivers Hongseok Yang (Queen Mary, University of London) (Joint work with Josh Berdine, Cristiano Calcagno, Byron Cook,"

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