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Short INTRODUCTION How to Publish A Scientific Paper

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Presentation on theme: "Short INTRODUCTION How to Publish A Scientific Paper"— Presentation transcript:

1 Short INTRODUCTION How to Publish A Scientific Paper Widodo, Ph.D Med. Sc.

2 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya
WHY do we publish? To present new, original results or methods To rationalize (reinterpret) published results To review the field or to summarize a particular subject To obtain more fundd for research EGO 24/02/2019 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya

3 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya
What should be publish Research that is absolutely reproducible 24/02/2019 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya

4 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya
Who should publish? The team who contributed to the research Person who own the result Person who responsible for obtaining the fund (Firts Author, corresponding author and acknowledgement) 24/02/2019 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya

5 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya
Where should you publish General consinderation: If you follow method or refer Idea from previously published papers, so you should choose a journal among them. If you work is high caliber and broader interest, you migh try to publish in more wider readership of a particular journal. Requirement and trend of their published articles. Specific consinderation: charge publication ~ USD per page ~ colour figure: USD ~ advertisements: USD 24/02/2019 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya

6 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya
Important publishing advice: provide something that advances (no repeat) We are not supposed to create garbage...... report of not scientific interest Work out of date Duplication of previous-published work Incorrect/unacceptable conclusions Submit to the right journal Submit to one journal only Submite only one manuscript Check the english Pay attention to journal requirement Pay attention to GUIDE for Author BE HONEST 24/02/2019 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya

7 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya
What makes a good research paper? GOOD SCIENCE : Novel-new and not resembling someting formerly known Mechanistic-testing a hypothesis-determining the fundamental process Descriptive-describes how things are BUT doesnot test how things work Publication in good journals (IMPACT FACTOR) GOOD WRITING----GOOD MANUSCRIPT (content is essential and presentation is critical) 24/02/2019 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya

8 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya
24/02/2019 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya

9 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya
BEFORE YOU START WRITE a MANUSCRIPT Think about why you want to publish your work (check your originality IDEA) Have you done something new and interesting? Is there any challenging in your work? Is the work realted directly to a current hot topic? Have you provided solutions to some difficult problems? IF YESS 2. Decide on the type of the manuscript Full aricles/Original articles: the most iportant papers Letters/Rapid Communications/short comunications: very interesting and expected discovery Review papers/perspectives self-evaluate your work and ask your supervisor/colleagues 3. Choose the target journal Choose one right journal. DO NOT gamble Read recent publication. Find out the hot topics on the journal 4. Read the GUIDE for AUTHORs and READ Again and READ Again 24/02/2019 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya

10 Instruction to Author Every journal has specific instructions to author Pay to read THE INSTRUCTIONS READ some papers in several of the most recent issues to get an IDEA of the syle and format of papers in your target journal USE TEMPLATE-----ENDNOTE

11 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya
24/02/2019 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya

12 Preventing plagiarism



15 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya
JURNAL: EBV viral structure consists of linear double-stranded DNA genome, toroid shaped, a layer of tegument, and sheath. The sheath is out of the bulges (spike) composed by glycoproteins [3, 4]. Skripsi: EBV viral structure consists of linear double-stranded DNA genome, toroid shaped, a layer of tegument, and sheath. The sheath is out of the bulges (spike) composed by glycoproteins [albert, 2010; lie, 2011]. 24/02/2019 jurusan biologi, universitas brawijaya

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