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Teacher Professional Learning: Finding The Right Blend.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Professional Learning: Finding The Right Blend."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Professional Learning: Finding The Right Blend.
Carrie Archer Marino College of Further Education Participant on ENTELS course 2015/2016

2 Knowing Me

3 Quality CPD- What makes it worthwhile?
CPD should….. Be fully inclusive and accessible for all learners Be responsive to the participants needs and those of the sector Be fit for its purpose with a clear outline and definite structure Have collaborative and interactive elements Have a defined start and end date with sub sections and achievable goals highlighted Contain focused, relevent and targeted formative and self- assessment with timely tutor and/or peer feedback

4 The impact of a lack of real-time in-person discussion/ tuition
“talking and talking with no interaction and/or engagement. I can’t do it” (Appendix 4).

5 The practicality of the material in ENTELS –

6 How did the material fit in with FET?
Mastery in action


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