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Small, Lightweight Speed and Distance Sensor

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1 Small, Lightweight Speed and Distance Sensor
for Skiers and Snowboarders Abstract: The goal of competitive sports is to perform better than the opposition. Measuring one’s performance can be difficult for skiing and snowboarding, mainly due to lack of repetitive movements, such as those found in other activities like running and cycling. To overcome this challenge, Design Team Six proposes a lightweight speed and distance sensor based on the integration of a Global Positioning System (GPS) and an Inertial Navigation System (INS) through Kalman filtering. Technical Approach: Blah blah blah Introduction Problem: Create an affordable lightweight speed and distance sensor for skiing Measure speed, distance, top speed, and record data for future review Pic of our protoboard Use/User: Intended to track speed, distance, and top speed Operable by any individual Easy to use, no training required Assumptions: Sensor is securely mounted to snowboard or ski Testing: Blah blah blah Design Requirements: A few of the major design requirements include: Useable in winter apparel Operate in subzero temperatures Safety Accurately record speed and distance Lightweight – Less than two pounds Cost less than $500 Battery Life greater than 2 hours Accurately record distance and speed Component Price ($) Microprocessor GPS Receiver Accelerometers Gyroscopes Flash Memory 1.50 LCD Battery and Charger Enclosure 7.00 Miscellaneous Total $ Final Results: Blah blah blah Pic of final Pic of menu

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