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Primary/secondary sources

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1 Primary/secondary sources
Unit 4: Statehood Primary/secondary sources

2 British and French settlements in north America in 1750
_Years%27_War#/media/File:Nouv elle-France_map-en.svg

3 Trying to encourage the colonies to unite against the british

4 Cartoon franklin had made at the time of the stamp act

5 Repeal of the stamp act ki/File:Repeal_of_the_Stamp_Act.j pg

6 Boston tea party dia/commons/5/52/Boston_Tea_Pa rty_Currier_colored.jpg

7 Boston tea party

8 Writing the declaration of independence
ki/File:Writing_the_Declaration_of _Independence_1776_cph.3g jpg

9 Original declaration of independence image

10 Battle of Kettle creek dia/commons/5/5e/KettleCreekTac tical.jpg

11 Yazoo Land Fraud Map ki/File:Yazoo- Georgia_Controversy.png

12 Cherokee land lottery deed
dia/commons/4/40/CherokeeLotte ryLandDeed.jpg

13 Worcester dia/commons/4/4e/Worcester.jpg

14 Trail of tears map dia/commons/1/16/Trails_of_Tears _en.png

15 Eli Whitney's cotton gin patent
ki/File:Patent_for_Cotton_Gin_(1 794)_-_hi_res.jpg

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