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Science and Religion Theory of Evolution.

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1 Science and Religion Theory of Evolution

2 learning Outcomes Understand religious view on life before Darwin
Understand Darwin’s theory of evolution Analyse the impact this had on religions

3 Life before Darwin

4 Evolution -Definition
Evolution is the process by which plant and animal life develop from the earliest and most primitive life form to reach their present state.

5 Evolutionary Theories
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck ( ) Charles Darwin ( ) Research both these people

6 Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829)
Organisms change to meet their needs according to their environment At the bottom are microscopic organisms From these more and more complex life forms develop At the top of the ladder human life is reached

7 Conclusion Organs that have life form uses get bigger and stronger
Changes that are useful for survival are inherited by their offspring e.g. giraffe

8 Charles Darwin Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859) The process in nature by which only the organisms best adapted to their environment tend to survive and transmit their genetic characteristics in increasing numbers to succeeding generations while those less adapted tend to be eliminated.

9 Is Genesis and Evolution Compatible?
Atheists No as they do not believe in God Creationist – evolution conflicts with Genesis – All life form in Final form by Day 6 Non-Literal – if Genesis seen as a story with a religious truth then it is compatible. Some think God made evolution possible – part of God’s plan. First life form to exist in sea and the final life form to evolve was human

10 Religious Resaons for Rejecting Darwin
Religious reasosn for accepting Darwin

11 Darwinism & Genesis Darwin’s theory of evolution undermined Genesis
Development of species was random chance – not planned Man and women were not in their final form on the Sixth Day Idea of God as designer seemed rejected Rejects idea that God created environment for the benefit of living things

12 If you accept Darwinism you have to be an atheist. Do you agree
If you accept Darwinism you have to be an atheist. Do you agree. Give reasons for your answer showing you have considered more than one point of view. Refer to religion in your answer. (6 marks) For Against

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