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Advanced Features Webinar: Consequences, Triggers, Text Notifications

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Features Webinar: Consequences, Triggers, Text Notifications"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Features Webinar: Consequences, Triggers, Text Notifications

2 Hello Kickboarders! Andee Bowes Support Manager

3 Agenda During this webinar, we will discuss:
Consequence roster types and configuration options What’s possible (and what’s not) with automatic consequence triggers How staff can receive real-time text message notifications about consequences Real-world consequence rosters and trigger examples, both positive and corrective

4 Questions? Please type your questions into the Zoom Webinar Q&A box.
Questions will be monitored throughout the webinar, and we will try to answer as many as possible at the end.

5 What are consequences & triggers?
Behaviors Triggers Consequences Logged on Daily Activity page or App Worth certain point/dollar values Can affect student point/dollar balances Comments can be attached to behaviors Configurable by Admins Add students to consequence rosters when specified behavior threshold is met If, Then statements Automated Configurable by Kickboard Support Specialists upon Admin request Lists of students who need a follow-up action Flag students on Daily Activity & App Able to send real-time text notifications Configurable by Admins

6 Consequences There are 3 types of consequences:
Fixed Day (Most Popular) Continuous (Very Common) Hourly (Rarely Used)

7 Fixed Day Consequences
Date-specific rosters that are archived automatically when the date has past Admin can specify which days of the week are available Admin can choose if students should be added on the same day or next available day Text message notifications upon every trigger, even if student is already on the roster

8 Fixed Day Roster Examples
Weekly incentives (Fun Friday, Dress Down, Shout Outs) Detention (often set to next available day of certain days of the week) Admin Support Needed (daily list often used with text message notifications)

9 Live Demo

10 Continuous Consequences
Students will be added to roster immediately Students remain on roster until manually removed Send text message notifications when a student is newly placed on the roster, but not for any subsequent triggers

11 Common Continuous Rosters
Privilege Levels (such as Bronze/Silver/Gold status) Action Required (usually for a major discipline incident) Lunch Detention (if triggered before lunch serve same day, if after serve next day)

12 Live Demo

13 Hourly Consequences Students are added to the roster in increments of “hours” each time they are triggered Student remain on roster until all “hours” are manually marked as served No option to manually add student to roster, must be triggered Send text message notifications upon every trigger, even if student is already on the roster

14 Live Demo

15 Triggers There are 3 ways we can automate adding students to consequence rosters: Automatic Behavior Triggers Modular Behavior Triggers Point Balance Triggers

16 Automatic Behavior Triggers
Whenever one of the specified behaviors is logged Examples: Recording “Above and Beyond” behavior automatically adds student to the Shout Out consequence roster. Logging any behavior in the “Major Infraction” category automatically adds student to the Office Referral consequence roster.

17 Modular Behavior Triggers
When a certain number of points/dollars from specific behaviors are logged within a certain period of time (day, week, year). Examples: Receiving 5 instances of “Present, On Time, and Prepared” in a week adds the student to Weekly Attendance Award roster When a student loses $10 in a day from behaviors in the Minor Deductions category, the student is added to the Watch List consequence roster.

18 Balance Triggers If student’s culture metric balance if above or below a certain threshold when checked at a specific day of the week and time on the hour. Examples: Any student with a weekly point total of 50 or more (checked at 11pm on Thursday night, because culture week starts on Friday), add to the Friday Fun Day consequence roster. Any student with a daily dollar balance below $25 (checked daily at 3pm), assign the On Notice consequence.

19 Trigger Limitations Here are some requests that we are not yet able to accomodate with automated triggers: A lack of behaviors (e.g. no missing HW, no major deductions) A certain number of records within a month or semester or other custom time frame A modular trigger beyond your culture metric limit A balance trigger that excludes certain records

20 How to request new triggers
Before reaching out: Make sure the behavior(s) that will be involved in the trigger are created with the appropriate dollar/point value Create the associated consequence(s) Review your existing triggers In your request: Be as specific as possible Give us some context Allow time for clarifying questions

21 Text Message Notifications
Administrators can opt in to receive real time text messages when students are added to consequence rosters.

22 Text Message Notifications
Go to Settings > My Profile Enter your cell number Verify the number Select the consequence you want to be notified about via text message

23 Live Demo

24 Questions?

25 Need Help? Kickboard's support team is here! We are available 8-5 CT on business days. Here's how you can reach us: us: Call us: Chat us: When you are logged in to your Kickboard website, click on the green Help button in the bottom right, then click Live Chat. If we are unavailable, you can click Contact Us to submit a request. Schedule an online meeting:

26 Thank you for coming! Happy Kickboarding!

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