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Albania 2021 Population and Housing Census - Plans

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1 Albania 2021 Population and Housing Census - Plans
INSTAT June 2017

2 Usage of Population and Housing Census
Population Censuses Policymaking, planning and administrative purposes Research purposes Business, industry and labour Boundary delimitation As sampling frame for surveys Housing censuses Development of benchmark for housing statistics Formulation of housing policy and programmes Assessment of the quality of housing

3 Relationship to other censuses
Census of agriculture Census of establishments Census of buildings System of current housing statistics Civil registration and vital statistics Administrative data sets

4 Methodological and Legal Bases
Methodology : Eurostat and UN recommendations for the 2020 Round of PHC, + specific needs of Albanian data users The method of data collection will be traditional census approach - Full field enumeration Date of Census – 1 October 2021 Innovation – Possibly use of tablets

5 Strategic objectives The development of plans for a census include the early preparation of a set of strategic aims and objectives: Census content - to ensure that the topics are appropriate for meeting the demonstrated requirements of users, taking into account considerations of cost‐effectiveness, human resources, time availability and respondent burden. Impact on the public and on census staff - to ensure that all the aspects of collection operations and the dissemination of results are acceptable to the public and fully comply with legal and ethical standards for protecting the confidentiality of individual responses. Production of census results - to deliver census products and services and to meet legal obligations and user needs with stated quality standards and a predetermined timetable. Cost‐effectiveness - to plan and carry out a census as inexpensively as possible without compromising other strategic objectives. Cost–benefit - to increase the value or benefit generated from the census while also managing the overall cost.

6 The strategic management process consists of four phases, namely:
The primary value of strategic management is to assist census organizations to operate successfully in a dynamic, complex environment. The strategic management process consists of four phases, namely: Strategy analysis; Strategy formulation; Strategy implementation; Strategy monitoring and review.

7 Strategy implementation (1)
Strategy implementation is the process that turns strategies and plans into actions in order to accomplish strategic goals, outcomes and objectives. Compiling a census strategic plan, work programme and operational plan with the following elements: Work planning: Compilation of the operational plan by defining the inputs, processes and outputs; Resource planning: Identifying what human and other resources are required and how these resources should be deployed and developed to create the competences need to deliver the strategy; Financial planning: Compilation of the budget outlining the funding required to implement the strategy; Risk planning: Identifying the operational risks and developing control and mitigating actions in response to those risks.

8 Strategy implementation (2)
(b) Translating the strategy into action through: Defining the body of work (identifying key performance indicators, outputs to be delivered, targets and milestones that will deliver the strategy); Defining the method of work (developing a value chain at conceptual and operational levels, including the quality management process that defines how customer value will be delivered); Defining the organization of work (designing an organizational structure that implement the strategy). (c) Managing the implementation and strategic change.

9 Units, place and time of enumeration
There are two general frameworks within which individuals are identified: households, institutions, as a subset of collective living quarters. Time of enumeration: on the night of September 30, 2021 one month in the field

Establishment of an Working Group (the main unit) to start the Preparatory Work Tentative timing schedule for the main activities and relative budget Identification of the actors that could be involved in the census processes Meetings with donors Meetings with stackholders - definition of Institutional agreements Starting the draft-project (within Dec.)

Finalize the draft project on PHC 2021 Assessment to evaluate the availability in human and material resources for census purposes Establishment of the 4 supporting units Methodology, IT, Cartography, Logistics and Administration Compilation of the Census Law Update GIS database – until 2020 Identification of needs for IT programs - hardware and software The preparation for the procurements to be solved in 2020

Training and study visits for the staff - increasing the capacity building Setting of the questionnaires - core topics + specific variables for the country Meetings with stackholders and users group - to define the content of the questionnaires Tabulations plan Establishment of the Central Commission of the Census – tasks

Continue census map updating and printing Preparation of programs for data capture and the monitoring system, test and validity Pre-test of the questionnaire and the manual of instruction for the enumerators to test the sustainability of the forms, clarity of the instructions, concept and definitions

Pilot Census to test organization and procedures, quality of mapping, field operations, enumeration and data processing activities Preparation for training of the enumerators and controllers Prepare theTOR’s for tasks and eligibility of field work staff: enumerators, controllers, supervisors Prepare the logistics design

Information Campaign Conduct the census : Establishment of local units to support the census Prepare the tablets needed Training of the staff Enumeration in the field (1 month) Check the enumerated areas from cartography staff Conduct Post Census to check for coverage and quality

Prepare and Disseminate the preparatory results Check and clean the data Run the imputations Run the tables and analyze the results Dissemination of results in national and local level Deep analyses on Census results


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