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IMPLEMENTATION OF PCS FOR MONITORING THE GROUND INTEGRITY DEVICE Jennie Burns, College of Arts and Sciences, Creighton University, Omaha, NE 68178.

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Presentation on theme: "IMPLEMENTATION OF PCS FOR MONITORING THE GROUND INTEGRITY DEVICE Jennie Burns, College of Arts and Sciences, Creighton University, Omaha, NE 68178."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMPLEMENTATION OF PCS FOR MONITORING THE GROUND INTEGRITY DEVICE Jennie Burns, College of Arts and Sciences, Creighton University, Omaha, NE 68178

2 Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) located at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) on Long Island, New York STAR collide gold-gold nuclei in order to study nuclear matter collide gold-gold nuclei in order to study nuclear matter created in a hot, dense state like that of 10 -6 seconds after created in a hot, dense state like that of 10 -6 seconds after the Big Bang the Big Bang

3 STAR Experiment STAR (Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC) slow controls and collision data analysis slow controls and collision data analysis consists of several detectors for tracking and studying large numbers of charged particles emerging from collisions consists of several detectors for tracking and studying large numbers of charged particles emerging from collisions location of relativistic heavy ion collisions location of relativistic heavy ion collisions

4 Ground Integrity Device (GID) basis of all data and calculations of the experiment basis of all data and calculations of the experiment data and calculations include measurements of energy data and calculations include measurements of energy knowing these energies is vital in determining the particles properties knowing these energies is vital in determining the particles properties reads current reads current detects deviations from earth ground detects deviations from earth ground

5 Using Ground Earth Ground earth ground as a reference voltage = 0V (i.e. 78 V with respect to 0V) One cable from all hardware and electronics running physically into the Earth. ground loops = destroyed electrical equipment GID is the one reference point for the entire STAR experiment System Ground Uses a voltage level inside system as a reference = 0V All electrical happenings in building cause different potentials Necessary for all hardware and electronics connect to a certain device with the reference value 0V System grounds within experiment connected to chassis on platform (location of devices connected directly to experiment) Ground - reference from which to measure voltage 2 Types: 2 Types:

6 Earth Ground System Ground GID

7 Upgrade of GID monitored by journal entry periodically throughout the day monitored by journal entry periodically throughout the day GID is located in experiment hall GID is located in experiment hall connected to a PC placed within the Data Acquisition (DAQ) Room by cable connected to a PC placed within the Data Acquisition (DAQ) Room by cable PC connected to local network PC connected to local network makes it possible for GID readings to be directly monitored and archived in the main controls room makes it possible for GID readings to be directly monitored and archived in the main controls room

8 GID DAQ Room Control Room

9 Upgrade GID use Linux operating system (alternative to Windows) for developing EPICS device support for GID use Linux operating system (alternative to Windows) for developing EPICS device support for GID computer software is used for data sorting computer software is used for data sorting PC runs EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) PC runs EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) - framework for creating alarms, archives, control panels, displays, etc.

10 Upgrade of GID GID raw data output: Original Data Formatted Data Original Data Formatted Data requires use of computer programming language of C and C++ requires use of computer programming language of C and C++ use data sorting software to easily format input data use data sorting software to easily format input data

11 Upgrade of GID processed data is sent into control panel (user interface) installed on same PC PC connected to local network by ethernet PC connected to local network by ethernet data is broadcasted, then accessed and monitored within the main controls room by use of the control panel data is broadcasted, then accessed and monitored within the main controls room by use of the control panel

12 Conclusion make GID monitoring easily accessible make GID monitoring easily accessible better isolate and quickly fix problems with GID or experiment better isolate and quickly fix problems with GID or experiment model for other various other upgrades of the STAR model for other various other upgrades of the STAR

13 Acknowledgments Brookhaven National Laboratory United States Department of Energy Creighton University High Energy Physics Group

14 References RHIC and STAR pictures provided by BNL website Figure 1: undrodclamp.jpg undrodclamp.jpg undrodclamp.jpg Figure 2:

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