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Chat Buddy JPMA F2004 Final Project 25.06.2004 Participants : Priyadarsini Seetharaman Safuriat O. Johnson Supervisor: Associate Prof. Dr. Jørgen Staunstrup.

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Presentation on theme: "Chat Buddy JPMA F2004 Final Project 25.06.2004 Participants : Priyadarsini Seetharaman Safuriat O. Johnson Supervisor: Associate Prof. Dr. Jørgen Staunstrup."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chat Buddy JPMA F2004 Final Project 25.06.2004 Participants : Priyadarsini Seetharaman Safuriat O. Johnson Supervisor: Associate Prof. Dr. Jørgen Staunstrup

2 Overview Bluetooth Technology Chat Buddy – Bluetooth Chat application Assumptions Design decisions Implementation Testing Future enhancements Conclusion Safuriat O Johnson, Priyadarsini Seetharaman

3 Bluetooth technology Features Wireless Short range Data and voice Ad hoc networking Programming in Bluetooth Bluetooth connection L2CAP RFCOMM Bluetooth Profiles Bluetooth Security Safuriat O Johnson, Priyadarsini Seetharaman

4 Bluetooth technology Advantages Inexpensive Low-power consumption Signals can pass through obstructions Line-of-sight not required Frequency hopping Limitations Short range – 10m Low speed – 1 Mbps Safuriat O Johnson, Priyadarsini Seetharaman

5 Bluetooth technology Application Mobile devices Wireless headsets Camera phones and laptops/PDAs File transfer & to synchronize data between a mobile device and a laptop Safuriat O Johnson, Priyadarsini Seetharaman

6 Chat Buddy Assumptions One server – multiple clients Only one server exists within effective Bluetooth range. User is either server or client – not both at the same time The server is started first No user authentication required Safuriat O Johnson, Priyadarsini Seetharaman

7 Chat Buddy Design decisions User interface : High level Server/Client Vs. peer to peer (master /slave) Use of threads Environment or network interruptions Speed up device/service discovery Close all connections when server closes Safuriat O Johnson, Priyadarsini Seetharaman

8 Chat Buddy Operation Safuriat O Johnson, Priyadarsini Seetharaman

9 Chat Buddy Enhanced functionality Conference Chat Delete a client Safuriat O Johnson, Priyadarsini Seetharaman

10 Conference chat Multiple clients can chat – in reality 7 A client can join the chat at any point of time The server maintains a list of clients Safuriat O Johnson, Priyadarsini Seetharaman

11 Delete a client Informs the client Deletes the respective clients data Informs all other members of the chat Safuriat O Johnson, Priyadarsini Seetharaman

12 Chat Buddy Testing Types Structural Functional Testing ChatBuddy Unit tests on some classes Safuriat O Johnson, Priyadarsini Seetharaman

13 Chat Buddy Limitations Single server => Single point of failure Message broadcast Improvements to the implementation Client doesnt need to append his name to every message Out of range condition handled Safuriat O Johnson, Priyadarsini Seetharaman

14 Chat Buddy Further enhancements User authentication Option to change Font styles and colours Send-to-one Save conversation Emoticons Safuriat O Johnson, Priyadarsini Seetharaman

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