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Analyzing Argument.

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Presentation on theme: "Analyzing Argument."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyzing Argument

2 Captain Beatty’s Speech
What is the Central Idea (Thesis) of Beatty’s Speech? What is his Tone? How does Beatty make connections between claims, examples, sentences, and paragraphs. What is Beatty’s Purpose for the speech?

3 The Great Imagination Heist
What is the Central Idea (Thesis) of Price’s essay? What is his Tone? How does Price make connections between claims, examples, sentences, and paragraphs. What is Price’s Purpose for the essay?

4 Dialectic Journal

5 For Beatty's speech and "The Great Imagination Heist," assess whether Beatty and Price use valid and sufficient reasoning and evidence. Determine the purpose for each and evaluate the effectiveness of both Beatty's and Price's language, structure, and devices to advance their respective purpose.

6 Logical Reasoning (evidence)
Claims and Grounds Statement and a “because” clause Logical Reasoning (evidence)

7 Beatty's Speech Thesis: Books are bad because they make people unhappy.

8 Great Imagination Heist
Thesis: Books are good because they increase the imagination.

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