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Hungry Angry Late Tired HALT Human performance dips when

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1 Hungry Angry Late Tired HALT Human performance dips when
Managing your own performance Healthcare professionals – we get that to enable our brain and body to be healthy or to heal from illness needs Nutrition Calm (low stress) Time Sleep IGNORE that this is also true for performance – we don’t perform at our best HALT! DRAW performance verses hours awake graph Add in units of alcohol scale and mark legal drive limit on it Story tell .. My bad day … my poor clinical decision … impact on child and team CAN CONTROL these factors … medicines rounds at lunch time CRITICAL SAFETY TASK – potential for harm if you do not pick up on some ones else's error or make one yourself Takes just 5 minutes to PREPARE to PERFORM Ask yourself – do I need to eat a snack /drink / visit the toilet / sit down / have a power nap This is not permission to slack off … its about making sure you take the breaks you are given Hero Culture …you are not a HERO when you work on through without taking care of yourself, quite the opposite, you are putting your own health and wellbeing and the CYPs at risk ! If you really don’t have time to take your whole break you ALWAYS have 5minutes … Except in an emergency DRUGS can wait 5min

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