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Balance Balance is the distribution of visual “weight,” visual interest, or activity in a composition.

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Presentation on theme: "Balance Balance is the distribution of visual “weight,” visual interest, or activity in a composition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balance Balance is the distribution of visual “weight,” visual interest, or activity in a composition.

2 Ways to balance visual weight:
Large elements have more visual weight than small elements. Small elements can be combined into groups, giving them more visual weight. Elements such as negative space, text, and color contribute to balance and can be used to balance heavy elements. Color choices can influence the visual weight of design elements. The darker the object, the more visual weight it has. Texture imparts visual weight. The more texture the greater the visual weight of an object.

3 5 types of Balance Symmetrical balance (aka Formal balance): mirror image across vertical center axis, both sides are the same and reflected. Asymmetrical balance (aka Informal balance): both sides of the design are not the same, but they both have the same visual weight. Axial balance: a mirrored image across a central or diagonal axis, and one of the halves is flipped. Radial balance: where elements radiate out from a central point. Crystallographic balance (allover balance): a repeating pattern that has an even distribution of visual weight.

4 Symmetrical Balance

5 Asymmetrical Balance

6 Radial Balance

7 Axial Balance

8 Crystallographic Balance

9 Bi-Weekly Assignment #3: Due April 14th
Color scheme and Balance Designs: Using the 4 Elements: Earth, Wind, Fire and Water as your concept, create 4 unified designs (one design for each element) with the same color scheme. The main visual difference between your designs will be the type of balance you use for each one. Choose 4 of the 5 types of Balance and 1 Color Scheme for this assignment. You have the choice of a split compliment or an alternate analogous color scheme using 3 colors. You may use tints and shades to create volume and mass. No other color schemes are accepted. Unify your designs by including similar line work, space ratios, and values in all 4 designs. The goal of this assignment is to create 4 similar designs where the major difference between each design is only the type of Balance used. Use the 9x9 format for this assignment. All 4 designs must be the same format!


11 Next Week: Reading Assignments on Balance & Rhythm pg 222.
Homework: Work on your 3rd Bi-Weekly assignment and your Art Appreciation Papers.

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