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The Breadwinner EQ:.

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Presentation on theme: "The Breadwinner EQ:."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Breadwinner EQ:

2 Opening/Activator Quick Write Part 1: Analyze the Image Examine the picture closely. Discuss what you see. How do the images compare and contrast? What captions would you give this picture and why? Why was the photo taken? What is happening, and what has happened? What happened after the photo was taken?

3 Read “A Life Revealed” and annotate the article while reading
Read “A Life Revealed” and annotate the article while reading. Use your “Thinking Notes.” Be sure to mark the text.

4 Summarize, quote, Connect, and Respond
Take out a sheet of paper, and divide it into for four quadrants or four equal sections. Label the top left quadrant “Summarize.” Label the top right quadrant “Quote.” Label the bottom left quadrant “Connect,” and label the bottom right quadrant “Respond.” In the top left quadrant, you will summarize four key points from the article. In the top right quadrant, you will quote four pieces of texts (different lines and/or passages) directly. Then, you will explain why these lines are important in understanding the article. In the bottom left quadrant, you will make three connections. These connections may be text-to-text, text-to-self, or text-to-world. In the bottom right quadrant, you will respond to the text. Write reactions to the text; these should explore your thought and feelings about what you read in the article.

5 Closing: Sentence Summary
Write one sentence that best summarizes what you consider to be the most important information from today’s lesson. $$ BIG MONEY $$ Each word will cost 10 cents. You can spend no more than $1.50 on your sentence. After writing your sentence, calculate the total cost of your sentence and circle the amount.

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