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Do First: Answer in your DFAD

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1 Do First: Answer in your DFAD
5 mins Answer questions 1-5 from your guided notes. Be sure to write your answer in your DFAD. Today we will be using the privacy folders for the Do First. So set one up for your self and answer the 3 questions silently and independently. Once you are done, you may take down your privacy folder and place your DFAD in the proper folder. Word Bank Substitution Insertion Deletion

2 Cell Differentiation The body has many specialized cells, nerve cells, fat cells, blood cells, brain cells, and many more. That means they do many different jobs. How many different types of cells can we name that are in our body?

3 Take Notes! All animals start as a single cell, or zygote, and during embryotic development our cells differentiate into many types of cells. This process is known as cell differentiation, or the process by which cells become specialized.

4 But how do the cells know to become different?
Our DNA is what codes of our traits through protein synthesis. Our DNA is what tells the cells to create certain cells. Think of a light switch turning off and on for certain cell types.

5 Check for Understanding
During this process of cell differentiation, how important is DNA? Take 1 min to turn and talk to an elbow partner about this.

6 How do we get different cells?
So now that we have these different cells, like skin cells. How do we get the different expression of skin color? What regulates the expression of that trait? Depending on those different combination of light switches, we get different specialized cells. The process by which these gene lead to the appearance in the phenotype (physical characteristic) is known as Gene Expression. Regulation is a term for the processes that control the rate and manner or gene expression.

7 Gene Expression Gene expression can also occur through external factors as well. Certain temperature or light can also change the gene expression. An example would be in Siamese cats and Himalayan rabbits are darker in color where body heat is lost to the environment.

8 Himalayan Rabbits Himalayan rabbits carry the C gene, which is required for the development of pigments in the fur, skin, and eyes, and whose expression is regulated by temperature. Specifically, the C gene is inactive above 30°C and it is maximally active from 15°C to 20°C.

9 Check for Understanding
Take 30 seconds to think to yourself, with the example of Himalayan rabbit, what caused the fur to change color?


11 Independent Practice 7 mins Answer the questions on page 3 and 4.
Work must be done silently and independently. No Talking. If you have a question or request raise a silent hand and be patient. If the class is too loud I will assign homework. For independent practice, today we will be working silently and independently for 7 minutes. 7 mins

12 Questioning: Ask a question about a specific step. Ask a question related to a specific section of the guided notes. Discussion Directly answer each question on your paper by solving each problem step by step. Directly respond to the questions and comments of peers. Used discussion stems to promote productive discussion. Had appropriate section of guided notes open while working on the corresponding section of independent practice. Maturity & Behavior Maintain a respectful tone 100% of the time. Re-evaluate your work when someone had a different answer. Participate and remain on task 100% of the time. Show Your Work Always be able to show evidence for what you state as fact, this is a good time to use your Biology Notebook. Group Practice For group work today, we will be using a Discussion Rubric. We will be working at a level two volume. During this time you need to be comparing your answers to make sure you and your table have all the correct answers. 8 mins

13 Mandatory Tutorials Tuesday Tutorials Thursday Tutorials
Obi, Stephanie – 6th Salgado, Jasmin – 7th McCardle, Paul – 8th Martinez, Roberto – 5th Josue Ramos – 2nd Villegas, Roger – 1st Monjaraz, Alejandra – 8th Ware, Breanna – 1st Reyes Ramirez, Randy – 5th Harper, Isaiah – 6th Gonzalez, Giovani – 6th Gonzalez, Ashley – 7th Miranda, Javier – 7th Roman, Jennifer – 5th Regules Joaquin, Kevin – 1st Salazar, Jaqueline – 7th

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