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Ancient Kush.

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1 Ancient Kush

2 Introduction South of Egypt along the Nile, a group settled in the region of Nubia. Established the first large kingdom in the interior of Africa This kingdom became known as Kush. The geography of Nubia greatly influenced the geography of Nubia.

3 Geography of Nubia Nubia is located in northeast Africa along the Nile River south of Egypt. In ancient times, the region was a much more fertile than it is today. Floods from the Nile created a layer of fertile soil (good for farming). Ancient Nubia was also rich in minerals such as gold, copper, and stone.

4 Early Civilization in Nubia
Depended on agriculture as well as livestock More successful farmer became richer and more powerful than others. One of these leader took control of the other villages and became king of Kush. Kings of Kush ruled from their capital at Kerma. Cataracts in the Nile River provided natural barriers against invaders.

5 Egypt Controls Kush Egypt and Kush were trading partners and traded things such as gold and slaves. Around 1500 B.C.– Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose I took control of Kush and made it part of Egypt. Kush remained Egyptian territory for about 450 years. As the New Kingdom ended, Kushite leaders regained control of Kush.

6 Kush rules Egypt About 850 B.C., Kush regained its strength.
700 B.C.– Kashta (king of Kush) attacked and conquered Upper Egypt and established relations with Lower Egypt. After Kashta died, his son Piankhi continued to attack Egypt and conquered all of Egypt.

7 Later Kush

8 Kushite Dynasty After Piankhi’s death, his brother Shabaka took control of Kush. Shabaka and later rulers of his dynasty tried to restore Egyptian cultural practices. The Kushites reigned in Egypt for about 40 years until they were driven out by the Assyrians.

9 Kush’s Economy Grows Kush’s economic center was the city of Meroe (the new capital). In this location, Kush developed an iron industry. Meroe became the center of Kush’s large trade network: a system of people in different lands who trade goods back and forth. Kush sent traders to trade exports (items sent to other regions for trade) such as iron tools, slaves, and ivory. In return, Kush received imports (goods brought in from other regions) such as fine jewelry.

10 Society and Culture The most obvious influence on Kushite culture was Egypt. Many people in Kush worshipped Egyptian gods, wore Egyptian clothes, called rulers pharaohs, and buried rulers in pyramids. Women in Kush were expected to be active in their society and even fight in wars. Some rose to positions of authority. Queen Shanakhdakheto– first female ruler of Kush

11 Decline and Defeat 3 factors led to Kush’s defeat: Trade Rivals
Loss of Resources Farmers and iron makers used up the resources in the area making trade or military conquest impossible. Trade Rivals Foreign merchants set up new trade routes that went around Kush. Rise of Aksum The rival kingdom of Aksum rose up southeast of Kush and became its trading rival. About A.D The Aksumite king Ezana rose up and conquered Kush

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