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Looking at College Syllabi

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1 Looking at College Syllabi
Preparing you for managing your time next year...

2 TRIAD groups! (form groups of 3)
Person A: Please read and note the key information from Math syllabus Person B: Please read and note key information from Psych syllabus Person C: Please read and note the key information from Comp syllabus

3 Please read through the syllabus…
Note the following things (via underlining or highlighting) Location of class Days and times of class Grading policy Late work/missed class policy Expected readings/work Professor’s Office hours Each person will share out and provide time for partners in group to highlight/underline on the other syllabi the key info presented by peers. EVERYONE in the group needs the same info identified on EACH syllabi!

4 What are some of the key differences you see between high school & college, just from the syllabi search? What do you think the most challenging part of college course work and time management will be for you? Discuss your thoughts with a partner that is wearing the same color as you! Discuss your thoughts with a partner with the hair style closest to yours!

5 Now, using the map... Find the building where classes are located
Next, find the building where the professor holds office hours


7 Now... Using the syllabi, along with the calendar of October, backwards plan your month. Things to include: Class times & locations 20 points Homework assignments 20 points When you will work on homework/readings (typically schedule about 2 hours outside of class for every hour of class) 20 points Time to go to the writing center for extra assistance on essays (1 hour per essay) Make sure it is at least 1 week PRIOR to due date of essay. 5 points Office Hours (Be sure to meet with your professors at least 1x/month!) 10 points Exercise/health management time 5 points Don’t forget times to eat and sleep! 5 points

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