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Foreseer® Server Editing

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1 Foreseer® Server Editing
Installing New Devices Renaming Existing Devices or Channels Adding Channels Deleting Devices or Channels Rev C, January 25, 2007

2 Server Configuration Mode
Required for Major Configuration Changes Adding Devices Changing Names Removing Devices and/or Channels System Monitoring and Alarming Continues Must Disable a Device to Alter Its Configuration “Read Only” While Enabled Accessed from Configuration Menu in Foreseer Application

3 Device Installation Wizard
Foreseer uses a “Device Installation Wizard” for installing any monitored equipment Server Configuration Mode Right-click at top of tree and choose “Install Device”

4 Device Installation Wizard cont.
Choose the Device to Install The list of available devices is the list of dot vi files currently in the VI folder.

5 Device Installation Wizard cont.
Enter a Name for the New Device Maximum size is 24 characters

6 Device Installation – Device Address
Depending on the type of protocol the device uses, unique device information may be required. Can also be referred to as a Device Number, Unit ID Number, Slave Address, etc..

7 Device Installation – Connection Type
Select the Method for Communication with the Device Network Device Connection TCP/IP UDP Serial Device Connection Direct Serial VIM II (Not used at FAA)

8 Device Installation – Serial Device
Select the Communications Port (COM) Where the Device is Connected. Set the Communications Parameters for Communication

9 Device Installation – Completing Installation
In some cases, Foreseer will attempt to communicate with the device before installation can be completed and will not install if communication is not available. Foreseer can be run in a special “preconfiguration” mode to overcome this issue.

10 Device Installation – Final Step
End Server Configuration A new device is not completely added to Foreseer until the Server Configuration session is ended. While in Server Configuration mode, newly added devices will not communicate. Configuration Menu>>End Server Configuration The new device is now completely installed in Foreseer and will attempt to establish communication to get data from the monitored equipment.

11 Exercise – Install a Serial Device
Use “1GE PowerLeader MVT Training” The Device Name is “MVT 1” The Address is 3 The Communications Port is COM30 Baud: Parity: Even Stop Bits: 1 Data Bits: 8

12 Exercise – Install a Network Device
Use “SqD CM4000 TCP Waveform” The Device Name is “SqD CM4000 Training” The Address is 1 The Communications Type is TCP/IP IP Address: Port: 502

13 Renaming Devices and Channels
Server Configuration Session Required Changing names is considered a Major change in Foreseer The affected device must be Disabled in order to change either the name of the device or the name of a channel installed in that device Select the Device or Channel in the tree Right click and choose “Rename” (or press the F2 Key)

14 Renaming - Continued Do NOT use the Delete key to clear the existing name Foreseer reads the Delete key as the keyboard command to DELETE the selected item Use Backspace instead Foreseer will ask for confirmation before completing a name change Multiple name changes are allowed during the same Server Configuration session End Server Configuration (Configuation Menu>>End Server Configuration) when finished Renaming may cause derived channels to stop functioning.

15 Renaming - Exercise A device was installed with an incorrect name and needs to be renamed. Rename Device “MVT 1” to the correct name of “GE MVT C52-9A”

16 Adding Channels to Installed Devices
Channel Types Allowed Monitored Equipment Channel Data is available directly from the device Channel is “programmed” in device Channel Address (Element, Register, etc.) is available Foreseer Driver allows channel addition User Defined Channel Channel data will be derived from other installed channels

17 Adding Channels - Continued
Server Configuration mode required Disabling affected device may be necessary Equipment channels – device must be disabled User-defined channels – disabling is not necessary Channel will be added under the selected device in the tree Right click menu selections “Add Channel…” adds a monitored equipment channel “Add User-defined Channel…” adds derived channel

18 Adding Equipment Channels
Name the new channel Must be a unique channel name Maximum of 39 characters Avoid special characters other than – or _ Select the type of channel Analog – actual metered data Digital – two-state (on/off, alarm/normal, etc)

19 Adding Equipment Channels
Add information to other tabs General, Basic, Advanced are optional Point Information required Element, Register, etc. for the new channel Tab may be named differently in different devices Required information is driver specific Required information is often different between Analog and Digital Modbus Analog Channel Modbus Digital Channel

20 Adding User-defined Channels
Name the new channel Must be a unique channel name Maximum of 39 characters Avoid Special Characters Select the type of channel Analog – metered value Digital – two-state value Text Channel – informational text value Date Channel – calendar date and time value (defaults to date and time the channel is created)

21 Adding User-defined Channels
Enter Channel Properties General, Basic, and Advanced only User-defined equation for Analog and Digital cannot be entered in Server Configuration Analog Example Digital Example Text Example Date Example

22 Adding Channels - Continued
End Server Configuration Configuration Menu>>End Server Configuration Enter User-defined Equation for User-defined Channels Simple to Complex Literally hundreds of possibilities

23 Adding Channels - Exercises
UIE Digital Channel Kato Gen 5 Module 3 Input 4 UIE Analog Channel Input 6 AB PLC Digital Channel OPC Data Tag: [FAA_TOT]N30:14/11,L1,C1 Derived Analog Channel Derived Digital Channel

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