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Socrates in Hellenistic Philosophy

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Presentation on theme: "Socrates in Hellenistic Philosophy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Socrates in Hellenistic Philosophy
From: A. A. Long article

2 Who is Socrates? Synthesis of sources? Xenophon’s? Plato’s?
Satirists’? Synthesis of sources?

3 Commonality of Influence
Ethics over Physics -no debate that Socrates was moral philosopher Epicureans treat as sceptic - Why?

4 Socrates and Arcesilaus
Who is responsible for “claim to ignorance”? Personal emulation -Is this sufficient to assume causal influence, as Long does?

5 Socrates and Stoicism The influences of Zeno
-origin stories and Socrates -similarities with Scepticism Other influences -Antisthenes -Polemo

6 Synthesis: Ethics and Physics
Polemo provides “glue” -Things which our nature drives us toward Xenephon’s Socrates -Senses: gifts of Gods for selective purposes -Groundwork for prefered/disprefered system

7 Ambiguity of Socrates: Stoic importance
Euthydemus - Wisdom=good, Ignorance=bad -Zeno, Aristo differ over what exactly this means -Zeno’s becomes conservative Stoic doctrine, Aristo incorporated into later systems

8 Questions? REMEMBER: This information is based on A. A. Long’s article. Is there any parts that seem problematic?

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